This spring


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 4, 2010
So i have decided that im going to be ordering 10 CornishX broilers this spring for a test run. My brooder will be 2x4x8 wood box with a wire bottom( holes are small so feet wont get stuck), and a poop tray. Ill be feeding them dumor chick starter 24% for 4 wks and then switching to broiler feed till finish. Ill start 12 on 12 off after 2 wks. Then when they are able to go outside i will put them in a 10x15 pvc pen with wood shavings and raised waterers and feeders. They will be in the shade quite abit with alittle filtered sun light. To all of you that have raised meat birds how does this sound and do i need to make any changes. Thank you!!!
It can get alittle hot im in central il but nothing to what the southern people have to deal with when they raise them.
sounds like you may need some heat lamps in the beginning; you probably already knwo that, but you didn't mention it so thought I should. Then when they are big and outside my bigggest concern is that they always have enough water, CX go through about 3 times the amount of water as other birds, and go down fast if they go without.
Ten is a nice manageable number to begin with. If you like these you can do more next time. Or try some of a different breed, like slow cornish or freedom rangers, to compare. Do you have your plans made for processing them?

Call me when dinner's ready!

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