This White Faced Black Spanish Is A Girl Right?


7 Years
I'm pretty sure this is a girl, but the spur bumps kind of worry me. Could you set my mind at ease, and please, please, please tell me they're girls. She's 24 weeks old, and no crowing yet. Doesn't show interest in the hens, but the roos don't show interest in her either. Here's Alvena:




I think you better change his name to "Alvin".

That comb looks too big for a hen, and I can't tell from the tail feather shot...the spur looks suspicious as well. He's not out of the "crow danger zone" yet.
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this one looks like a pullet there are no saddles coming in and at that age they should be at least slightly visible without parting the feathers and the hackles haven't changed either and on top of that the combs very light hasn't even brightened up for laying...i'm pretty sure that is a pullet
That's a pullet with a large comb, spurs don't mean anything, I had a rooster without spurs and a hen with spurs
I agree, from other pics I have seen, this breed has girls with BIG combs and I just don't see the saddle feathers that should be there. Nope, spurs don't mean anything LOL! Well unless they are attacking you, then they mean a lot of pain

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