Those Stinky eggs...Update*


11 Years
Aug 15, 2008
I was walking by my 'bator this morning, and had a strange feeling to open the bator and smell it. Inside my bator it smelled different. So I figure that there is a bad one in there I tried smelling all of them and I couldn't tell cause the smell was stuck in my nose. I'm going to candle tonight and take out any undeveloped ones...this does not promise that the smelly one is gone. What does a rotting/decaying egg look like when you candle it?
I'm scared!
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It happens, most likley a cracked egg. If their in a turner, just look for the stuck one. They ooz as the pressure builds, and really smell aweful.
They aren't oozing yet...

No turner though some I bought from a lady and they were kinda dirty so that may be why they smell. Bacteria.
The few that I've had were kind of cloudy looking, but they were already at 21+days. It might still look the same, my bad ones that started stinking were ones I would get from the hen after she left the nest.
I bought a Mini maglight today (whitch btw are amazing) And I candled the eggs.
It turned out that the 2 doz (EE) eggs I bought from a lady in my area were the culprits.

They didn't even look like they were fertilized. soo... I only have 12 eggs in there, and they are my eggs I tossed in there last minute as a control to compare eggs.
I only paid $6 dollars for them so It's ok.
I am a little annoyed because I would have ordered some eggs from a BYCer but the bator was filled.
They don't count against my % cause they weren't even fertile. Oh well.

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