Those who need help in sexing peafowl

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Thor and Calypso yesterday. May I point something out about the body structure which is different from male to female. Realize how Thor's shape is long and thin. He has too much muscle around the breast and the base of the neck for a peahen at his age. As for Calypso she is short and wide for a peahen her age. She doesn't have enough muscle in her breast or base of the neck for a peacock her age. When animal is a male and intact the male will gain muscle mass and be more muscular then the female.

Thor and Calypso yesterday. May I point something out about the body structure which is different from male to female. Realize how Thor's shape is long and thin. He has too much muscle around the breast and the base of the neck for a peahen at his age. As for Calypso she is short and wide for a peahen her age. She doesn't have enough muscle in her breast or base of the neck for a peacock her age. When animal is a male and intact the male will gain muscle mass and be more muscular then the female.

Just because one of these girls is a "B" cup and the other is a "D" cup, doesn't make one a boy!

Seriously though, If Thor is 7 months old and Calypso is 6 months old, why am I seeing no obvious difference in height? I have 4 whites in a pen all hatched last summer, 2 are 7months old and 2 are 6 months old. One of my 6 month olds is noticeably taller than one of the 7 month olds, this tells me I probably have 2 pairs. By now we should all be able to see an obvious size difference if this was a pair. Or are you gonna tell me it's that "Late Bloomer" thing again?
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