Those who use an "All Flock" feed, PLEASE help me decide on a feed!

I've been feeding Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker for several months. It runs around $22-23/50 lb bag. I like it for a few reasons. It's from a small local business, and I like to support those. The chickens all like it. The crumble is a nice size, and I have never had "a bunch of dust" in the bottom of the bag.

When I opened the first bag I bought, I thought it smelled much better -- fresher? than the last bag I'd bought of whatever I'd been feeding.

And lastly, now that you mention it, someone ALWAYS asks if I need help carrying it out to my car.
I always have to ask for it. 99.8% of the time they do have it - just not on the shelf. I don't know why. Middle of January was the last time I bought it straight off the shelf.
Yeah I would ask, but it gets old waiting for someone to get the fork lift and take down a pallet. In the long run Kalmbach works out to be roughly the same price once I factor in fuel, time and waiting around at TSC. Also, I’ve had moldy food before from them, which I suspect is the storage at TSC and not an issue with the product. I got a bag of something else there and took it home, it was full of bugs. Not really happy with TSC here.
Whatever you choose, by this time, you'll need to offer some form of calcium for your 18 wk old pullets. I just have oyster shell free choice, and recycled eggshells back through them. My young'uns we're fed a chick starter and recently changed to a mixed flock/ all flock. My youngest are 18 wks. and may start laying in the next couple months.
If you decide to pick up at TSC, you can order online and pick up at the register. They’ve always offered to help me load if I have a big order, although I don’t buy feed there. Oyster shell & shavings are bulky enough to usually get asked if I need assistance.
Yeah I would ask, but it gets old waiting for someone to get the fork lift and take down a pallet. In the long run Kalmbach works out to be roughly the same price once I factor in fuel, time and waiting around at TSC. Also, I’ve had moldy food before from them, which I suspect is the storage at TSC and not an issue with the product. I got a bag of something else there and took it home, it was full of bugs. Not really happy with TSC here.
I wonder if there is a lot of competition, therefore the TSC feed doesn't move as fast as ours does. We don't have any feed mills in our area. I've never had bug problems with their stock. Of course, the chickens wouldn't mind the bonus bugs.
I prefer pellets because they seem to waste less, but that's just personal preference.

Our TSC is great. I get the Nutrena or the DuMor (whichever is in stock). They will deliver it for a fee or bring it out and load it into your car for free. You don't even have to get out of the car. It's their curbside service.
I wonder if there is a lot of competition, therefore the TSC feed doesn't move as fast as ours does. We don't have any feed mills in our area. I've never had bug problems with their stock. Of course, the chickens wouldn't mind the bonus bugs.
True the chickens don’t care lol
I see a lot of you say you’re using crumbles. Do you think the chickens like the crumbles better than the pellets? I find a lot of pellets are on the ground around and under the hanging feeder.

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