Thought egg was dead... cracked it a bit to make sure and sure enough it’s alive!!


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2021
So the broody hen abandoned a few eggs. One was about to hatch so we took it in, I kept it warm with my breath and YES.. I did help it the rest of the way, it is healthy and back with mama now. There were about three other eggs that looked alive, so we got a heating pad in a pet crate, with a towel on top and my soft pj pants as a nest lol. One pipped but died, and another pipped and made no progress, so I helped it slowly throughout the day, it is out now and drying getting stronger every minute. But.. we candled the other, and it looked dead, it wasn’t making a sound! But then before doing anything too drastic, we thought we would crack it a bit to see if it was alive.. and it is. Unfortunately the inner membrane got opened and it started to bleed, but it did not bleed a lot, I put a small amount of the shell from the other egg on the opened spot to help keep it from bleeding. The paper-like membrane is quite exposed, and I know that needs to stay moist, should I try wrapping it in moist paper towel? It could have been another day or so before it was ready to hatch.. can I keep it alive that long?
I don’t know how to upload photos from my iPhone or I would!


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