Thought I would share...Hayden with his chickens!

Yes, the incident was post 167 when they tried adjusting the epidural and it knocked her out. She is still loopy from it. (ok, well moreso than normal ! HEE HEE HEE Sorry Amber couldn't help myself! )

And OF COURSE, I have your number, I will call ya JORDIE!!!!!!!! I am thinking maybe Friday night would be a good time to go up there. That is my plan for today and 1:19 anyway!
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LOL, great! I'd really appreciate it. Just let me know when and I'll be sitting with my phone in hand, haha.
Think she is feeling better, she is about to string up a nurse that wants her to watch a how to video.

Hayden is here!!

It was a pretty easy labor and delivery...what i remember of it, LOL!
I had some issues with my epidural, and i lost consciousness for a bit, but they revived me and reset it and things went pretty smooth after that.

Labor actually started at 8 am, and he finally came at 6:22pm. Weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long!

I'm in a bit of a hurry now, so I'm just gonna post a few pics for now and update later.

Introducing....Hayden Ryan!!


David, me and Hayden



ETA: Thanks everyone for the well wishes!! I'm going to be gone yet for a few days at David's, be back maybe Sunday, and I will explain the "incident" with the epidural in more detail.
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