Thoughts on coop build?


6 Years
Apr 27, 2018
Ski Country, Buffalo NY
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone!

My name is Brandon. I am new to this form and fairly new to chickens. My mother had them when i was younger but never really took much interest. However, I am now more settled and figured I'd try growing my own egg supply so I picked up 8 Golden Comets about two weeks ago from our local TS. They are getting very big very fast and are now about 3 weeks old.

I have been ready a lot on the forums here and there is a wealth of knowledge on this site. Therefore I figured I'd finaly make an account and post.

I am in the process of building a coop for my hens. I am almost ready to wrap it with the sides and put a roof over it so I figured I'd post some pictures and some stats and see if anyone has some recommendations before I wrap it, paint it, and trim it.

General stats:
4 ' x 8'
Ground floor 2 feet off the ground
The coop is 4 foot interior not including the roof area
There will be a front door with ramp and also a door through the floor into the run that is below the coop
The coop will be mobile. Two wheels on the back and hooks on the front for the tractor bucket to grab and move around

I built it to be sturdy and functional but also look good. I plan on moving it every week or two so it's never in the same spot to long .

Also please not the chickens will be about 50/50 free range and run when we are home afternoons/weekends they will be allowed out but during workdays they will be trapped in coop/run.

There is 3 nesting boxes accessible from the outside, slide out poop trays that will have pdz in them, and floor is vinyl sheeting.
It looks great! I am by no means an expert but we just finished our 8' x10' coop . We found the vinyl flooring with pine shaving on top very slippery. The hens fell even if they just hopped down 8" from the door. We immediate removed it and went with just wood flooring. Maybe they would have learn to navigate it but we took it out.
I had planned to use vinyl on the floor. But the poop boards collect almost all the waste. The pine shavings stay dry. The floor doesn’t ever get wet. Food and water are out in the run. So, I think floor covering is never going to go in our coop.

*edit* poop boards have PDZ. Scoop regularly. Floors and nest boxes, pine shavings. Changed very infrequently.
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Looks great. Make the gable vents the entire size of the triangle if possible. Roof ridge vent length or the roof would be nice. Again. That looks very nice.

I planned on using a big floor register for the gable ends that has the built in slider to open and close it. The ridge vent will be open all the way.

Question on the ridge though is hardware cloth necessary of would a roll of aluminum screen work to just keep out the flys/bees?
It looks great! I am by no means an expert but we just finished our 8' x10' coop . We found the vinyl flooring with pine shaving on top very slippery. The hens fell even if they just hopped down 8" from the door. We immediate removed it and went with just wood flooring. Maybe they would have learn to navigate it but we took it out.

Was the shavings packed down and they were still slipping?

This concerns me a little as their roost is 28" off the main floor.

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