Thoughts on Draft horses?

Well the story behind this post is that I've kinda always had a horse phobia and I'm trying to get over it. I think if I meet a lot of really nice really big horses I will get over it, if I ever do get a horse I was thinking it would be a draft.
You do need to get over your phobia before you even consider getting a horse of your own. Horses have a keen sense and can tell if someone is afraid of them. For starters you need to take lessons. You might see if you can volunteer at a stable, under supervision, to walk horses, feed them, groom them, tack them up, handle them and get used to them.
You do need to get over your phobia before you even consider getting a horse of your own. Horses have a keen sense and can tell if someone is afraid of them. For starters you need to take lessons. You might see if you can volunteer at a stable, under supervision, to walk horses, feed them, groom them, tack them up, handle them and get used to them.
Agreed. I ride at a stable with a variety of horses and most can tell right off the bat that you are nervous. There is one that if the rider is nervous he will start to get nervous himself which will some times lead to a panic attack
You do need to get over your phobia before you even consider getting a horse of your own. Horses have a keen sense and can tell if someone is afraid of them. For starters you need to take lessons. You might see if you can volunteer at a stable, under supervision, to walk horses, feed them, groom them, tack them up, handle them and get used to them.

x2. I used to volunteer at a therapeutic riding center, and half the volunteers didn't stick for more than a day because they were afraid of getting up close with the horses. And the horses in turn didn't want to behave for people who were nervous or hesitant around them.

And yes you can ride draft horses but it's a real stretch on the legs, since their backs are broad.
I agree. Good to get over a fear of horses before you get a horse. But yes, draft horses are gentle giants! I’ve never owned a draft, but I know they are lovely horses to be around. I’ve got a pony and a Quarter horse, and I would say that if you’re going to get a horse and you’re a beginner, start with an older more experienced horse. You don’t want to mix beginner with beginner because that can end up in a disaster.

My pony is 2 years old and let me tell you, she is definitely not a beginner’s pony 😂 although she has gotten much better over the past year, and I’ve had over 60 hours of training with her and have been able to canter her in a saddle a few times. But that takes time to gain experience. I really suggest a horse that is experienced with beginners and can take you to the next level and boost your confidence around horses.
All good advice!
If riding lessons are too expensive for you now, having a horse will definitely be much too expensive!!! Riding lessons always come first, and then, maybe a lease, and maybe sometime ownership. I like the big impressive drafters too, but totally not a first horse purchase!
yeah! It's not just the money it's the space too!
I’ve had four Belgian draft horses in my life. My last one just went to a sanctuary a week ago. She was a plow horse for Amish and when injured was sent to a. Kill pen. That’s where I found here. I can only speak about Belgians though it seems drafts in general are calmer. Thing is each one is an individual and a lot goes into making them good horses at maturity. Genetics is one but how they’ve been cared for is also important. All of my Belgians have been rescues and the last one, Nyssa, was abused. While she was not mean, she was definitely dangerous in the sense that if she felt threatened she would take flight and a 1600 plus animal running off can be a very dangerous thing.
A draft equals two horses in food, etc. they cost more for everything. They eat for two and quality food for a horse is expensive. If you don’t have pasture for them, horse quality hay is expensive. If they have quirks with picking up their feet for the farrier like two of mine have had, farrier’s are expensive and will ghost you. So while they’re calmness may precede them there is so much more to them. Finding the right one is possible though and they are my favorite horse breed. My days of rescue are over but I’d give a good Belgian a home in a heartbeat. There is something to them that is almost mythical.

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