Thoughts on our Coop?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
We are new to bird world so I am asking for input here to make sure we cover our bases. We have 14 Guinea keets They are quickly growing out of the brooder. And we just found out the roofing we ordered wont be here until Sept 16th. So I am trying to fashion together a little pen inside the coop. I am afraid its still too rough though. I have a thermometer out there and it is 100 today. Yikes.

At the top of the walls there is a gap and that will be covered with wire cloth.

There are some gaping in the wood that I have concerns about. Roof is one. It will be covered but should we caulk it or just leave it? Also the floor boards are not 100% tight. Should I caulk those?

Anything else?

Wow! That's a very nice coop! I don't think you'll need to do anything to it. It's very very nice!
I could almost live in that! lol
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Wow! That's a very nice coop! I don't think you'll need to do anything to it. It's very very nice!
I could almost live in that! lol
Thanks! I am so worried about predators and water leaking. They seems so small and fragile right now.
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Just close it against them escaping and leave the other cracks for ventilation. Guineas like to roost high, so get some 2x4's (horizontally) for them. Don't worry too much about the heat, they are from the African plains and probably the most heat tolerant of any fowl. I make sure to give them water at all times, even though they might have to go for long periods without in the wild.
A long the vent I would just hardware cloth in so you have good ventilation. If the space in the floor I a concern you can put down linoleum and that will help in cleaning. By the way are you going to add a run or are you letting them free range?
Aren't the windows open-able?  Couldn't Buttercup902 just open the windows a little if it gets too stuffy? 

The windows do open. Also, there is space from top of wall to the roof that is open air. It will have wire cloth over it.

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