Thoughts on this Coop

It looks like a nice coop, but I will tell you that the TSC coops that I've seen up and being used don't seem to be very sturdy. For that price, you may be better off making one yourself, if you're handy that is. Otherwise, yes it's an okay coop for 6 hens and will last you a few years.
Yea im not much of a handy man. plan to try and brace it a bit more but At least this gives me a shell
Like I said, they are kinda flimsy, but they work. Yes, bracing it, stake it to the ground (a heavy wind could toss it for sure) that should do the trick for you.

I strongly suggest a horizontal watering nipple system for you, with a float valve (auto-filler) so you don't have to check that off the list everyday. My neighbor has a smaller TSC coop like that one and she has to fill the water 2x a day - very much a pain in the heat of summer in FL!!!
Personally, don't.
I don't have pictures of my coop on BYC yet, but I built it for the same amount and it is a 6' by 8', 6' tall painted coop. Insulated, double walls, ventilation that opens and closes- completely predator proof, even for weasels.
And the hens love it! 8 nest boxes and roosts that I can move around? What a dream for them! :love
It only cost me a bit of hard work and less than $500 Don't be worried if you don't think you're a handyman! Square off corners, always measure a second time, and write out a plan.
If you still don't want to build your own coop, look around for homemade coops on your local Kijiji, Craigslist, etc. Homemade coops are often cheaper than $500 and a lot sturdier than a Tractor Supply coop.
Also, CHICKEN MATH!!!! You are going to want more chickens, I assure you.:D

*Edited by Staff*
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Not only are they not sturdy but are made out of very cheap materials that won't even leave you a shell to work with in a few years. Also they don't house as many chickens as it states. If you're not handy try and find a used shed to convert. Alot of people on here will help you out on how to do just that.
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They didn't give the dimensions of the "coop" part of that model. Recommendation for back yard flock is a minimum of 4 s.f. in coop and 10 s.f. in run per bird. The big issue issue with that coop, even if it does have adequate s.f. in the coop section is going to be shoddy construction and most likely lack of adequate ventilation. You can easily put together a coop that would be twice the size for about 1/2 the price. Instead of spending time and extra money fixing shoddy construction, you will be doing it right the first time.

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