Thread for Young Christians Maturing in Their Faith

Don’t be afraid to share Gods word, even though it’s hard sometimes and folks may not want to hear it. We are tasked to share the Word, it is the hearer’s responsibilty to accept it. The Bible says that the Word is foolishness to those who unbelieve. But we plant the seed and it may or may not grow as Jesus said in one of His parables I can’t remember which verse right now. And we may get a negative or bad response when we share but that’s ok, don’t be discouraged. And if at some point the person doesn’t want to hear it anymore that’s ok, you’ve done your part, no need to go on. There are times when we stop sharing with someone and out of the blue they might ask you a question about God or to pray for them. You never know!
That's one of my favorites!
That is my hard times verse too! (I'm not a tech savvy person, so I hope I am replying to this in the correct place! Still confused by forum rules/protocol.) And I am certainly not young; I just wanted to say that it warmed my heart immensely to see this thread! God bless all of you dear young ones and your walk wiith Him!:love
I wish I could do more to share God's word, but it's hard... being young, you dont have a say in adult affairs and conversations.
Has anyone else had these troubles and wishes?
If so, a little advice would be nice.
@LothalRebel I am in the same position as you are, so I understand! I know that sometimes it is really hard to share with others- You really just have to step up and try introducing it to them, it's not something to be ashamed of- and what is the worst that can happen? I often think it is easier if you try introducing it to them through their interests, such as if they like gardening, you can talk about how God created the universe. Or, start by sharing with others that are your age. I think this goes along with what I have said:
Be a light in the darkness.png

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