Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Any, do you have swans?  My DD (dear daughter) Julia, age 7, selected a swan as her replacement birds when last Nov. double husky attack took out about 2G worth of birds, all of hers included.
I'd love to have a pair, honestly, and my husband and I have debated getting rid of ducks entirely, and maybe turkeys, to make them space.  I've already got the pond.  I do worry about them with my kids, but Julia is the youngest and extremely cautious around geese and turkeys already, so I doubt she'd go it.  We have white and black swans both at our local zoo, and the girls are familiar with their affinity for fingers.

They are lovely though, don't you think?  I'd LOVE to have a pair.

Hey Marty! I agree, swans are beautiful. I seriously considered getting a pair, but after talking to a breeder, I decided that it was a bad idea with kids. I can try to find her name if you'd like to talk to her, too. She was really nice and honest about what living with swans is like. It sounds like they can do some serious damage (like break bones with their wings) and are extremely territorial. Not really something you can trust around a kid.
Well I'm sipping a glass of wine, but I'm still freaking out over this one egg and feeling horrified about the prospects that it might be dead. Ugh. "Let's hatch our duck" I said. "It'll bond with us more strongly" I said. "It'll be fun!" I said...

It's a good thing I don't have kids. If I had to feel this anxiety for an overdue CHILD I'd probably have had a mental breakdown by now. XD

Hehehee so true. Any updates on the little one?
thats horrible!!! sorry!
Quote: Oh, I agree. We havn't gotten them yet, I sort of keep putting it off.
my mom was telling me that there is a lady in town who put plastic swans in her pond just to keep wild ducks away....after talking to you guys i really started looking into the swan thing....they are vicious to other fowl and will kill everything in its territory! i was so shocked! they are so beautiful!
amy....had they internally pipped when you put them into lockdown??? again.... i am no expert but i waited for the pip and at the first one went into should go to Lacrystol....she knows her biz when it comes to hatching call ducks! she saved all of mine
amy....had they internally pipped when you put them into lockdown??? again.... i am no expert but i waited for the pip and at the first one went into should go to Lacrystol....she knows her biz when it comes to hatching call ducks! she saved all of mine

No, it hadn't. :/ Should I have held off?
Bad news...I candled the egg and saw that the veins had disintegrated and there was no longer any movement. It's gone.

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