Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Ah that's not too bad. They have a lot of cages for the larger parrot species on craigslist right now.
Oh and in TX you have to have a permit, and they do surprise inspections. Gotta love that little factor.

I used opmy cockatoos extra cage for the trio of coati when they stayed with me before moving to their home. It worked well, buy was on a porch I could hose off.

Sometimes I think wallabies would be fun again, then I remember the fencing and say to myself, umm no.
You need a permit for everything now a days over here! Hmm they sound like quite the messy little creatures
. Yea I heard Wallaby fencing is quite the task
My feathered Children are calling me
. I'm gonna go ahead and start on everyone's feeding. Nice catching you Celtic and Psue
If I missed someone, I didn't mean too. I'm exhausted tonight. Our temp today was 105, and very humid. We are expecting triple digit temps for the next week, and no rain in sight. I've been busy outside for the last 3 days, doing all sorts of things. (all having to do with the critters, of course) And it's miserable. I can't believe it's not even July yet and our temps are so high.
The poor geese lay around in the shade all day, panting. I'm getting ready to move the last of my indoor brooder babies outside...yay! Tired of looking at and cleaning brooders!

105? That's brutal! I had to go down to the valley yesterday for the vet and it was 100. I thought I had driven down into hell. Ugh!

The elderly man already came and got his eggs


Kevin, I'm glad Bruce is still amiable to you at least. So what are you up to?

i'm moved cages around for the chicken trios, and they are enjoying life under a shade tress where the wind blows a lot. Nice summertime location. I've decided I've got too many ducks, but I don't really have the heart to part with any yet either. One of my anconas has a crest, btw. Its not big, just a little poop on the top. He or she looks so funny!

Do any of you Ancona duck folks have a pic of a male and femals togather? It seems like a few are getting a green sheen to them more than others on their black areas, but I don't know if it suggests anythinga bout gendor. Are they like Pekings, and you have to do the quack test or watch for tail feathers?

Hey Marty. First of all,
for being you. Also, can't find the post where you are promising to take pics... but as a reminder it is ME that is asking over and over again for new pics.

To answer your ancona question, I have a male and female b/w ancona and both are getting the cayuga colors in their black. It is rather striking.
Morning all.
Shannon you are too cute with being worried over selling any animals. I have refused sale this year to someone because I knew it wasn't a good situation. We have housing for all of our birds, and always working on housing. We have to because of the hurricanes and predators. No since in serving up duck and goose to any of the many predators by neglecting to provide safe over night housing. We have live stock guard dogs (2 great Pyreneese) and we still lock up the birds. Hubbies mandarins and wood ducks stay in their flight pen 24/7, the guinea and Muscovy will be moving to open air pens this summer. I figure the dogs are great, but cant be everywhere all of the time, so to lessen the work load all the domestic ducks and all of the geese get locked up. Housing makes testing day easier too, we can move from house to house and then when done we can open the yard gates to turn everyone loose. Fall Sebbies most likely won't be listed here on BYC, but on the Sebastopol forum and our website.
Julie those birds are HUGE!
I have a set of leghorn eggs in the bator just because I wanted to see bigger chickens. Those you are looking at though look to be even bigger than the foghorn eggs.
Marty, enjoy those ear rings!
Kevin, hurry up with the zoo already.
I had wallabies years ago, loved those little boogers.
Windy out this morning, but NO RAIN! Deby needs to start moving though because a stalled weak storm is worse than a moving low grade hurricane. Flooding all over, watching for word from others on if they need help or to move birds. Our rear pasture is completely under water again, the front has a large "ponding area" in it too. Made for mad chickens and in heaven ducks and geese. Grass is growing so fast now even the large number of geese we have can keep up. Mowed the entire rear yard yesterday between waves of rain. The front needs trimming, but standing water will prevent that for now.
My leghorn is small. Very small, about the weight of a silkie just leaner and taller. She is one of my favorite birds though, and an awesome layer and forager and people weren't so set on wanting brown/blue/green eggs I'd have a lot more. I have some sizzle/leghorn eggs hatching at the moment, just to see what they'd look like, lol. I think the shamos will be similar in temperament to her, so would be a good fit for what I want.
Its always good to pay back kindness in like fashion. Besides, shes gonna be so tame with such perfect feathers that you'll be able to get her a goosie diaper, and go visit folks in the rest home, who are always delighted to be visited by pets of all kinds. Then Spirit too, in her own fashion, can pass on some of the hope and joy you have given her.

And I'm pretty sure they'd like your horses too. The nice folks at the resthome we visit, bring flowers and pets too adore it when somebody brings a horse, or mule, or even a goat. Its so fun to see them out there talking about their childhood animals, and wonderful therapy for them

I need a goosie diaper too, so if Iain gets one I need to see how well it works.
I've been sticking to 20 minute visits inside, but if my girl had a diaper she could stay in a bit longer.
It was deleted when I looked at it.

105? That's brutal! I had to go down to the valley yesterday for the vet and it was 100. I thought I had driven down into hell. Ugh!


Hey Marty. First of all,
for being you. Also, can't find the post where you are promising to take pics... but as a reminder it is ME that is asking over and over again for new pics.

To answer your ancona question, I have a male and female b/w ancona and both are getting the cayuga colors in their black. It is rather striking.
I want pics too! And I didn't have an ancona pair, but with my magpie calls the boy has a much greener head.
I don't think I could use diapers. I have noticed that Spirit will wiggle to get put down if she needs to poop and rarely poops on me, unlike her companion, Ember, who is a pooping machine. For visits inside house, out of her pen, I lay down a fleece blanket on the floor to catch her poop.
I can not find any good information on special needs Turkeys
. I guess enough people just don't keep pet Turkeys :/.
We have two diaper harnesses (as you can't use a traditional diaper on waterfowl) for the injured or stressed. Makes having them inside for treatment much nicer. We have a soft sided pop up dog kennel they stay in if brought inside and they wear the diaper harness. Had a Sebbie gander juvenile in it last week after he found mushrooms growing outside and about died. Wouldn't want to deal with one much beyond that though, but handy for needing to treat.

Black in ducks always gets that interesting beetle green sheen no matter what the breed. Fun to see the sun hit it just right.

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