Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Anyone want some free quail? Eyeheart? Julie? I was trying to sell them (a mated fertile trio and 6 unrelated mixed courturnix, tuxedo, and a white with a black spot on the head). I've about had it with so many birds, and I thought if one of ya'll wanted to pay for a small box and shipping, I'd ship.
Anyone want some free quail? Eyeheart? Julie? I was trying to sell them (a mated fertile trio and 6 unrelated mixed courturnix, tuxedo, and a white with a black spot on the head). I've about had it with so many birds, and I thought if one of ya'll wanted to pay for a small box and shipping, I'd ship.
Thanks, but I'm done with quail. Mean little brats.
And I'm the only one here who will eat them or their eggs.
Hey all! Been a busy few days here. Only news to report is seven healthy ducklings.
One of the goslings is showing signs of neurological problems
. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with the special needs Turkey. The other Turkey is beginning to get pissy. I can't rehome the White Chinese Geese to save my life. Plus no one wants to take the Mallard Drake. This has not been my week

Everyone should make sure to set up their information for the New BYC Egg Selling Database if they selling eating eggs:
Thanks for posting that!

Got my runner babies this morning. Them, and 5 d'uccles and 5 peanuts arrived safe, healthy and lively.

Been busy here ! Did a Prego Photo Shoot for my dear friend & they turned out BEAUTIFUL !

& I put Anconas, & a bunch of other Ducks eggs in LD !
I Have JUST 1 PEACOCK EGG that is due to hatch
My first Peacock egg to go the distance !!!

Just bought 72 Guinea Eggs & put in 7 of my own Cayugas.

Its been a LONG time since I had ducklings hatch ..... I am excited to have those cute little mugs wacking around my Bathtub !

Once these guys are older I think I might try to add a pair of Impeyans:



Luv yer peafowl ! I got two eggs as extras in one of my pheasant auctions! Hey I bought 6 impeyan eggs to hatch & not a one hatched. SO I have to wait til next year. They are on the top of my list, and am bumed I won't have any growing this year. However I did get a total of 11 pheasants ~ Swinhoes & Elliotts!

Try being a pack rat with a huge 120'x70 Barn with the whole upstairs empty space

I also set 118 Giant Pekin Ducks! As well as more anconas & other fun fowl!
Army of Duckness!
Julie they are very cute.

Marty good luck rehoming the quail, no one from Craigslist has responded? Don't go shipping them though the USPS won't send them if it's 85 or higher anywhere on their trip for one, and you need to be NPIP to ship legally. I know hatcheries are still shipping, they are also willing to replace dead birds because of the heat when they arrive DOA.
Hey guys,
. Haven't been on in awhile...started a new job on Monday and I've been too exhausted to even get on the computer. Hope everyone is well! I'll try to go back and read what everyone's been up to. I need to get pics of my birds....everyone is looking good! I have a broody sitting on butterscotch Call eggs...woohoo!
Thanks guys. I know my runners are just hatchery, but I couldn't find any close and they are for hubby, to go with his drake we rescued so he has someone to hang out with. He's pretty much an outcast now, the calls want nothing to do with him and the rouen/khaki are mean to him. I'll be happy as long as they lay good, I miss having duck eggs to cook with.
I got the d'uccles because I want a sweet little bantam for the kids, and needed to order more than just 2 ducks.
Didn't want more than 2 ducklings though, I sure don't miss brooding these messy guys.
During the summer raising ducklings will be MUCH simpler than during our nasty rainy winter months! & all my pekins will be "edible" by October

Loving my new ponds, and taking a half hour when I drain & clean ~ to "hang" out with my ducks & geese is just pure terror & miserable

I think its funny to watch them ~ watch me!
Jaz... Mom's roo is a silkie mix... not sure what with but he's a great dad and the roos usually inherit his comb so much easier to sex at a younger age

Charlie has 5 toes but cream color skin, Silkie feathers, personality and size
Hi Peeps! I finally set some eggs of my own yesterday - just 5 Swedish eggs (will set another tomorrow if it gets laid). These are from one pair of ducks that I really want to get a good Blue female out of this year. That is my no. 1 breeding goal this year. So, fingers crossed! :)

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