Three weeks in/Does anyone else do this


9 Years
Dec 10, 2010
The pullets have been in the pen with the others for three weeks It has been a slow process but a lot of the chasing has stopped
My pen has lots of space and access to the outside so there was plenty of places for them to run to I really thought the older hens would be more accepting because they were young but it not like that at all.

Does anyone else do this I put clumps of dirt in the pen for my chickens I can't allow them to free range but it gives the feel of free ranging The dirt gives them grit and fat juicy worms and grubs to enjoy

1 veteran 1 dog 1 rooster 3 hens 6 pullets 1 very old cat
That'll be fine. It might take their attention away from pecking each other anyhow! :lol: Although put the clumps in a variety of places, because the older chickens might try to chase the younger ones away from the treats.

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