Thx Thx Thx! Close call with a hawk!


Free Ranging
Oct 15, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Today is Thanksgiving and when I went outside to let my chickens out and on the far side of the run I a large number of feathers on the ground. It is molting season and I knew they were molting but this looked like a hawk got one of my girls. I rushed over and saw blood on the feathers and little bits of flesh. I wasn't sure what happened. Maybe a hawk or a member of the flock prepared to kill? I frantically counted up my seven hens and all of them were there unscathed. I DO know that there is a hawk pair that lives in my star pine tree and they have snatched one of my pullets before. The feathers were really little and looked like they belonged to my only bantam Daisy but like I said even after double checking they were all fine. I finally decided it was a songbird. The hawk probably needed a Thanksgiving meal too! :lol: So, Thx thx thx to that Hawk for picking a smaller meal than my chooks!
I covered my run with braided fishing line crisscrossing it between a few spots on the coop and all of the fence posts. That stop predator birds from making circles above it as they now see it as a trap. It took a few hours but it is cheap, it works, and is a great peace of mind.
I already have a net over half of their run. I might need to extend it.

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