Tick Seasons Here Tell Me Your Worst Tick Probs With Pets

I guess the worst tick problem would be the possibility of Lyme disease. A great tool for getting ticks off your animals is an O'Tom--totally cool! Plus of course, monthly flea/tick prevention.
OH MY GOSH! You read my mind! I was coming here to complain about ticks! The past two or three years, ticks have been bad in this area. Not only are they thick, they come out early and stay late.
To add to my problem, ticks are becoming immune to the monthly-flea-and-tick-treatment.
To add another layer to my problem, people don't have monthly flea-and-tick-treatment.
My dog and I go hiking all over, all the time. Regardless of having treatment, my dog gets ticks on her. So do I. Regardless of tick-check, sometimes we don't see one until it is the size of a grape.
Recently my dog had a knee injury, while she was sedated for the xrays, they took blood work. They soon found she is positive for Lyme disease.
In hind-sight, joint deterioration is caused by Lyme, primarily in the knees.
She is now on a month of antibiotics - and the struggle to give them to her, and the digestive problems after.
However, it made me think that perhaps I have Lyme too. I am always with her out hiking. The same ticks bite me. I have been feeling lethargic and have had the same cold/flu for over two months. I am ache-y and run down. All of which is very unlike me. I am "that person" who never, ever gets a cold or flu. So it is strange that I have one at ALL, let alone that it has lasted two months.
So I went to get my blood tested. In humans, they have to send it out of state, so I have to wait five days. I may be able to find out tomorrow.

So I am having to force-feed pills to my dog, which sucks. She can't run or jump which sucks. I don't even want to run or jump the way I have felt lately, which sucks.
Well, that is my worst tick story.
I've also had abcesses on myself and animals from tick bites which have left scars. If "show" were an issue for you this would be another tick horror story.
Anyway, I call my doctor tomorrow and get to see if I get to take antibiotics with my dog.
I'm very lucky. Where I live in Michigan, we have very few ticks. I've maybe only seen 2 in my 30+ years of living in this state.

A friend of mine moved down to Kentucky a few years ago and she had the vet out to give them their interstate health certificates. When he asked where she was moving to, he was quiet for a minute and said, "You're going to need a tick preventative for them."
I grew up in Michigan, and lived for ten years in Alaska. I now live in New York which I assumed would be comparable to Michigan for climate so I thought the bugs would be about the same. No such luck. I find ticks with snow on the ground.
I have something of a phobia for ticks. Discovered this living in VA where displaced deer seemed to aid their tyrannical reign. Dogs were always crawling with them, and I was constantly pulling them off myself.

The last two places I've lived have been too dry for them. And if they rear their bloated little bodies, I will napalm the entire area until it becomes too dry for them. :}

Ahem, yes, ticks. I don't like them. As others have mentioned, Lyme disease is a big one in some regions. My housemate's brother moved from an area with no tick issues to Boston, and his dog now has Lyme disease because he did not know to vaccinate. Ticks have also been recently linked to a rather bizarre occurrence of allergic reactions to mammalian red meat.
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We kinda have flees I guess I mean like we find them on wild animals but my dogs or cats have never gotten them.
I live in the "country" aka out in the middle of nowhere and I don't take any preventive measures so you would think if it were possible my animals would have gotten them by now.

We however do have one strain of bed bugs unique to our state.
I guess the worst tick problem would be the possibility of Lyme disease.  A great tool for getting ticks off your animals is an O'Tom--totally cool!  Plus of course, monthly flea/tick prevention.  :)

OH MY GOSH! You read my mind!  I was coming here to complain about ticks!  The past two or three years, ticks have been bad in this area.  Not only are they thick, they come out early and stay late. 
To add to my problem, ticks are becoming immune to the monthly-flea-and-tick-treatment.
To add another layer to my problem, people don't have monthly flea-and-tick-treatment.
My dog and I go hiking all over, all the time.  Regardless of having treatment, my dog gets ticks on her.  So do I.  Regardless of tick-check, sometimes we don't see one until it is the size of a grape.
Recently my dog had a knee injury, while she was sedated for the xrays, they took blood work.  They soon found she is positive for Lyme disease.
In hind-sight, joint deterioration is caused by Lyme, primarily in the knees.
She is now on a month of antibiotics - and the struggle to give them to her, and the digestive problems after.
However, it made me think that perhaps I have Lyme too.  I am always with her out hiking.  The same ticks bite me.  I have been feeling lethargic and have had the same cold/flu for over two months.  I am ache-y and run down.  All of which is very unlike me.  I am "that person" who never, ever gets a cold or flu.  So it is strange that I have one at ALL, let alone that it has lasted two months.
So I went to get my blood tested.  In humans, they have to send it out of state, so I have to wait five days.  I may be able to find out tomorrow.

So I am having to force-feed pills to my dog, which sucks.  She can't run or jump which sucks.  I don't even want to run or jump the way I have felt lately, which sucks. 
Well, that is my worst tick story.
I've also had abcesses on myself and animals from tick bites which have left scars.  If "show" were an issue for you this would be another tick horror story. 
Anyway, I call my doctor tomorrow and get to see if I get to take antibiotics with my dog.
The wierd thing is none of my other 6 animals are gettin them

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