Time to have "the Talk"with Zelda and friends


Flamingo Daddy-o
12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
South Georgia
I suspect that my rooster, Conway, is pressuring Zelda to become sexually active. I know that once she decides to "do the deed" that it wont be long before Mavis, Ursela, and Muriel follow suit, being the impressionable young chicks they are. i swear those girls would jump off a bridge if Zelda thought it was cool. so my question is, at what age did you all have "the talk" with your girls and do you have any pointers about what i should say to them??

edited to P.S.: i walked in on Conway trying to get Zelda in his nest today. boy was it awkward! you should have seen how red her face got when she saw me standing there! shes not even 4 months yet for crying out loud!!
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I'd send them to bible study and three times a week youth groups.

Time to cull-take no chances.How do you think I became a grandma so young- and my dtr was at youth group all the time--but once

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