Timer Question.

7L Farm

9 Years
Jul 22, 2010
Anderson, Texas
I bought 2 timers. They are outdoor timers. I can't figure out how to set everything.Maybe someone can help. The name of the timer INTERMATIC model # hb3oo series. If no help which outdoor timer do y'all use & where to get it. I need one for auto pop door & one for electric wire. Thanks.7L
I have to say I HATE those timers...they are pains in the butt!!! I do use them for our outdoor Christmas lights, but that's it. We use a digital timer for our auto door so that power isn't kept on/hot for 15 minute increments. With a digital, the power comes on, stays on for just one minute, and then shuts off. The next power on (right now set for 8 PM) closes the door, and a minute later the power goes off. Plus they're just so daggone easy to program.
10-4 . I'm gonna use this timer for my hot wire. What brand do I need for pop door . Thanks & I agree. The hot wire is outside . The pop door is inside. I have power in both places. Thanks 7L.
Mine's just a plain old Westinghouse timer, but I have it inside the coop. You could always seal up an indoor one in a gallon zip lock baggie or under a flipped over bucket or something. Or just look for an outdoor rated digital????
I bought a Brinks digital timer . Its gonna be inside the coop . I have the intermatic outside to work the hot wire . Its weather proof. Hopefully, I'm set. I never can figure out how to work electronics by reading the directions.SSSSH.

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