Tiny black biting insects

Niche Flock

5 Years
Mar 22, 2017

Just went out into my duck coop and was checking on my injured duck when I felt something biting my ankles...I looked down to see these tiny black insects all over my feet & ankles! I now have tiny red bites on my feet and am wondering what these little creeps are.

Are they fleas? They seemed to have wings, but I am not sure. Could they have been gnats? I just bought some diatomaceous earth for when I rake out the coop again, I planned on sprinkling some of that on the floor and along the edges of the coop where the pine shavings for nesting are...will that help get rid of these biting demons?!

Can't imagine if they are biting my poor ducks and how they deal with them, I was so grossed out for being in there for a bit. I know hygiene is VERY important and hope to do a thorough cleaning, but with my now injured duck in the coop it is hard at the moment. If anyone has any tips for cleaning & if anyone can ID the biting insects, I would be greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

Just went out into my duck coop and was checking on my injured duck when I felt something biting my ankles...I looked down to see these tiny black insects all over my feet & ankles! I now have tiny red bites on my feet and am wondering what these little creeps are.

Are they fleas? They seemed to have wings, but I am not sure. Could they have been gnats? I just bought some diatomaceous earth for when I rake out the coop again, I planned on sprinkling some of that on the floor and along the edges of the coop where the pine shavings for nesting are...will that help get rid of these biting demons?!

Can't imagine if they are biting my poor ducks and how they deal with them, I was so grossed out for being in there for a bit. I know hygiene is VERY important and hope to do a thorough cleaning, but with my now injured duck in the coop it is hard at the moment. If anyone has any tips for cleaning & if anyone can ID the biting insects, I would be greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
Lol.....little black flies....:lau.....

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