Tiny Duckling Poops


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022

I’m probably jumping the gun by getting on here so quick with this question but I figured better safe than sorry.

I have a duckling somewhere from 4-6 weeks old and the last two poops he’s made have been very small and one was completely white and kind of pasty?
The only thing that’s changed today is he got a couple of grapes as a treat which I’m all my research seem to be fine for them to eat.
However I just wanted to come on here and ask the experts to see if I should be concerned about how small his poops are or if I’m just being paranoid.
I don’t have any good pictures of the poop since he did them on towels.

Thank you!
What is his regular feed ? How often does he get treats and what kinds ?
Do you provide grit when feeding anything other then regular feed ?
I had a duck do this about 7 months ago
It was from me feeding to many treats
I had got some mealworm deluxe was for chickens so has some kind of grains in it. The reviews had other duck moms who said it was great. I stopped giving it and all treats only his feed and in a few days he was back to normal
I had read on here of somebody else saying they had the same issue and it was from the fly larvae they were giving
Stopped and also had duck back to normal
What is his regular feed ? How often does he get treats and what kinds ?
Do you provide grit when feeding anything other then regular feed ?
I had a duck do this about 7 months ago
It was from me feeding to many treats
I had got some mealworm deluxe was for chickens so has some kind of grains in it. The reviews had other duck moms who said it was great. I stopped giving it and all treats only his feed and in a few days he was back to normal
I had read on here of somebody else saying they had the same issue and it was from the fly larvae they were giving
Stopped and also had duck back to normal
I don’t remember the exact brand but it’s a duckling and gosling growth starter I got from fleet farm. He doesn’t get treats very often, except mealworms which he gets daily. The other treats he likes are corn, strawberries, and blueberries, and most recently we discovered he likes grapes.
I don’t provide grit, I’m very new to this as I just found him so I also haven’t had time to do proper research as I normal do when getting a good pet so I’ll look into this!
He did have a lot more mealworms than normal today so that might have been the issue.
I don’t remember the exact brand but it’s a duckling and gosling growth starter I got from fleet farm. He doesn’t get treats very often, except mealworms which he gets daily. The other treats he likes are corn, strawberries, and blueberries, and most recently we discovered he likes grapes.
I don’t provide grit, I’m very new to this as I just found him so I also haven’t had time to do proper research as I normal do when getting a good pet so I’ll look into this!
He did have a lot more mealworms than normal today so that might have been the issue.
That may be the problem
Try cutting treats for a few days
Also look into grit for him. They need it to help them digest any feed that’s not regular duck feed
That may be the problem
Try cutting treats for a few days
Also look into grit for him. They need it to help them digest any feed that’s not regular duck feed
Ok! Thank you so much.
Is it just the grit I can go get from the store or is there a special one for ducks I should go search for?
Ok! Thank you so much.
Is it just the grit I can go get from the store or is there a special one for ducks I should go search for?
Being that he is over 3 weeks you can get regular grit for birds
If he was under 3 weeks you would want chick grit
I get mine from UFA livestock feed store
I’m in Canada so depending where you live would depend on where to buy it

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