Feedback tiny log-in suggestion

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I am sorry you had trouble logging in.
I do believe there is an option to "check" to "remember" your log in information on the log in screen, you may want to check that option to make it easier to remember. (I will need to log out now to double check)
Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 11.14.29 AM.png

I was referring to the "stay logged in" option at the bottom.
Was referring to the wording being misleading resulting in my trying to log in by entering first and last name in the first box and then my password. No did not forget my info just choose not to leave any remberings of personal info on devices that could later be hacked or stolen or currently bear keylogging malware. Which. Is. All. Of. Them.
And that said, now my real name is associated with the password for my user ID which is how I got logged in.
just choose not to leave any remberings of personal info on devices that could later be hacked or stolen or currently bear keylogging malware.

I just sign in w/email addy.
I have multiple email accounts.

The one I use for forum web sites is dedicated to that purpose only.
My important email address for finances and which contain secured 411, doesn't leave any foot prints all over the web.
I suggest you create an address for "FUN" as well as a secure private address.
I don't mix business with pleasure. I suggest you should do the same.;)
;) back atcha. I don't do financial stuff online. Period. Do not even use my phone for email except for my trash account when I am looking for food freebies from all the birthday clubs or other store promos. :p
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