Tips for Keeping Odor Minimal??


May 17, 2018
We’ve gotten my flock down from 10 to 5 ducks. 5 are going to Montana to a sanctuary with one of my moms co-workers. Today, 06/23/18, the neighbors had a chat with my father about smell. Saying that it was horrid. We’ve moved them into an enclosure away from the houses. My mom is also buying fly predators and sprays to get rid of the flies. My concern is how do we, in 110 Arizona heat, get control of the odor so that the HOA doesn’t fine my parents and take away my babies?
This is a picture of the (not finished) coop. They have their water, shade, we add frozen grapes into the water, clean it out, put down diotomatious earth, then put dry dirt on top of it. I let the ducks out and roam free range to eat and graze on the grass. I also have electrolytes and probiotics added to their drinking water. I’ve heard adding sand and mulch help to minimize the smell.
I find that my duck run smells worse when it's wet and smells less when it's dry. Perhaps if the pool is partitioned off so they don't have 24 hour access, or if the pool had gravel around it, it might keep your pen drier in general and less smelly in general as a result.
It's more the dampness, rather than heat, that makes for bad smells.
I would think in dry AZ it wouldn't be as much of a problem,
but ducks are wet mess makers, both their runny poops and splashing water all over.
A wood based litter might help, by 'composting' the poops, but not sure it could balance out the wet.

The Sweet PDZ might help short term.
It's zeolite, a mineral, that absorbs ammonia.
You can get it in the horse aisle at the farm store.

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