Tips on building a cheapo coop and run?

Hey, it's great to see how many more replies there are on this thread! What are your opinions on roofing the run? Should it slant down on only one side? Or should it be peaked so that rain/snow will run down both sides? For the first option, I was thinking that any driving rain might still find its way in way in...but I do like the aesthetics of those sort of runs more, and since it will be on the edge our property, it would fit better. It will also be against a thin line a trees, so those may offer some protection, too.
I have a lean to style coop and run. The front faces south,southeast, I don't have a problem with rain blowing in. It would depend on what direction your run faces. I also use deep litter in the run, so if it gets a little wet, no big deal.

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