Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

I went to TSC yesterday for feed. Fortunately many of the chick bins were empty. The chicks they did have weren't any types I wanted, so I managed to get out of there without any, lol.
The chick bins were empty at my parents local TSC and they didn't have my chicken feed... So now I have to go to my local TSC :ththey better not have chicks... By the way I hope I go home to chicks so I can snuggle chicks or I'll go back to TSC 😂
Every time I go, there aren't any chicks! I live way up north so I wonder if we just have a later start to chick days. The big cage and hand sanitizer are out, though 🤔. If I can make it to Monday or so, then I can just sneak extra chicks into the brooder with my hatchlings and husband will never know the difference 😅 I want ducks this year, too, and TSC will be the easiest way to start as duckling shipping is INSANE. But....I might just try to find some cayuga hatching eggs 😉 as far as I know our TSC pretty much only does pekins.
I got my Cayuga ducklings from cackle hatchery in a surprise box. I have to drive 45 minutes to one TSC that has mallards, khaki Campbell's Pekin's, white layers. The other one is about 30 minutes in the other direction for Rowens, golden 300s, and whatever else comes on the truck that day.
Last year I hatched out one chick, and had other eggs on the way, so I drove 2 hrs to get to a feed store, I had called the day before they listed a lot of chicks they were getting, when I got there the store people said "oh the order didn't come in." All they had were brahmas and I think meat birds, so I got 2 brahmas to keep the chick company till the other eggs hatched one week later. Brahmas were not my choice birds.

Last month when I was using my yellow incubator, I wanted to hatch some blue maran eggs, I got 5, but since the yellow incubator could fit more eggs I had got 2 dozen of the cheapest fertile ones I could find. I ordered 2 dozen from my state ($20 total shipping and all)that were fathered by a brahma, the hens were many diff breeds. I know I must have had some issue with the brahma, and fate decided, since I didn't really want the brahmas it made the incubator quit in the 11th hr. Be careful what you wish for, or think, also even it it costs more, get what you want.
Most of my hens are really tame, even the more skiddish ones will let me collect eggs when they are on the nest. I have one LO that will always freak out if I reach under her, I had given my LO hens "L" names so they would be easier to remember. I could never remember that hen's name. When I reached under her, and she flew from the nest I said "Geez, Louise!" So that will be her name now. Louise.
All this talk of TSC babies makes me sad. :( I don’t have access to any around here, the only place that -might- have random babies won’t be getting them til May at the earliest. 😢 But bring on the eggs! My Ayam Cemani egg went into lockdown yesterday; I don’t feel great about it, didn’t look 100% right, embryo looked smaller than anticipated, but giving it a chance since no blood ring/spots or smelliness. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can't get a clear pic when i candled to show y'all... so fingers crossed, and will live vicariously through all of your hatches until i get my Icelandic eggs! haha!
Out of curiosity, where'd you get your Icelandic eggs? I have two Icelandic hens and I want to love them but they won't let me!

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