Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

Oh no!! Could it be coccidiosis that everyone is dealing with? The chicks and your roo maybe? I'm so sorry this is happening!! :hugs
The roo has no blood poo or anything and has no symptoms of coccidiosis. The chick shouldn't have it, it's just a runt and very weak. It's the smallest of them all I gave it some electrolytes.
I've never had shrink wrapping. My humidity barely drops if I open the lid so I'm unsure how someone leaves the lid off long enough for enough humidity to escape.

It isn't necessarily the amount of time it's open. I open my incubators quite quickly and the humidity on the sensor will adjust to right back to 65% quite rapidly (like 30 seconds) but I've fiddled in enough hatches now that I do see a difference in the number of pip holes I see turning brown and a few that even zipped all the way around but couldn't tear the membrane because it became so dry and tough that I do stick to my hands off policy until all of the actively pipped chicks are finished hatching unless there is an urgent need to open it, then I don't hesitate and I just do one of the above mentioned.
I've never had shrink wrapping. My humidity barely drops if I open the lid so I'm unsure how someone leaves the lid off long enough for enough humidity to escape.
Idk, maybe people messing around in there too much when they dont need to? Like, getting nervous and candling all the eggs with the top open or something? It may depend on the incubator and the surrounding environment, too. I live in upper MI, where we have very dry winters. When I started, my humidity would drop significantly when I opened the lid. It has been warmer lately, though, so the snow is melting and the air isn't as dry anymore.
Today is D7 so I candled all my eggs, all 10 of my shipped eggs and 8 from my girls have the spider and movement that includes my grandson's barred rock mix.

I have 3 clear and 3 with just a dark mass, are the ones with mass good or bad
I have heard of people avoiding shrink wrapping by misting the inside of the bator when they have to open it for whatever reason. Thoughts from more experienced hatchers?
My incubator retains humidity really well, so I don't worry too much about the eggs in there getting shrink-wrapped. I just avoid opening it at all when someone is actively zipping. My first hatch, I threw a blanket over myself and the incubator when I had to open it haha.

When I need to assist with an egg, I put a warm wet paper towel over it and ferry it quickly to my bathroom, where I will have had the shower running on hot.

I've never had anyone get shrink-wrapped, although I have had someone get encrusted with blood after they hit a blood vessel.

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