Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

I have 14 shipped eggs on day 4 today. I let them rest for 3 days before putting them in the incubator. I candled a handful of them today, they’re developing but look like they have “jiggly” air cells. Are they doomed? ☹

It's always a toss up with shipped eggs but when I had severely detached and saddled air cells I actually had a good hatch rate. 88% hatch rate on developed eggs. I did have a lower rate of development because of scrambled eggs that stayed clear though.
I took the egg out again to see if the veins had receded and they are definitely much better already. The baby was peeping so so loud and I was able to peek in the hole with a flash light and see it’s beak up higher. I couldn’t stop myself from picking at the hole a tiny bit (just shell first and then membrane beneath once I saw it was ok) and after just a tiny bit, it’s beak popped out and it seemed very relieved. It’s not peeping as shrilly and I think maybe it’s head was stuck and maybe it’ll be able to zip on its own now. We will see. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think I have to finally accept the last Marans and 2 Welsummers are goners and it's time to remove them
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I have been in denial but comparing them to the viable Welsummer today It's just too obvious.

This is the developing Welsummer, end of D9
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This bring me down to 12 from the 23 shipped eggs
8 Deathlayers left. #7 was a quitter. Everyone else looks alive and moving. The 5 Spitzhaubens eggs were moved to the emu incubator, they’re not due to hatch for another 6 days. I think 🤔

Tomorrow is day 20! Should have some little tinies hatching 🤗

Starting to have a bad feeling with the emus. Negative Nancy over here started thinking that none are alive and it will be a wasted effort 🥺

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I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you! I hope you get something out of them. Emu chicks are the sweetest.
Somebody here had asked how I liked the sand for the chicks.
Well, I really like it! I'm not worried about them eating the bedding... I mean chickens eat pebbles for their digestion... and sand is just that in small.
It doesn't smell. As a matter of fact, I think it smelled more with the hemp bedding I used.
Cleaning is hard. Because of all the scratching they are doing. It gets covered. So I guess I'll just replace it for the next chicks.
Cost is really low... and I can just put it in the garden when I'm done with it.

I am down to 11 eggs from 12. One was a quitter. The others look good.
Next week I should be getting my first ever shipped eggs from a breeder in Austria. They ship on the 16th. Hope all goes well.
When I woke up this morning the last two chicks had hatched overnight! So that gives me a 91% hatch rate overall!
Now that they're all dry, I think there are 6 Blue, 2 Splash, and 2 Black! :D I will update with fuzzy pictures later today!

A recap of the Undesirable egg experiment if you weren't already following along on the thread:

- Hatch 3/12/20: 91% (started with 12, 1 infertile, 1 quitter, 10 live chicks)

- Used Version 2 Nurture Right incubator, 99.5°F, 40-50% (usually 45%) humidity for the first 18 days, increased to 65% for hatch.

- A total of 7 of the original 12 eggs were "undesirable" and 5 hatched!
- 2 Oblong Eggs - Both Hatched!
- 2 Porous Eggs - Both Hatched!
- 1 Sticky Eggs (thought to be egg white leakage) - Hatched!
- 1 Calcium Build Up Egg - Clear/Infertile
- 1 Cracked Egg (repaired with wax) - Quitter on approximately day 15-17 due to bacteria or from the amount of wax needed to cover large crack preventing proper gas exchange.

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