Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

I have a very hard time seeing anything in the colored eggs or the dark maran ones only the light brown and white lol.

So how do you know to keep them for lockdown? I’ve read people say they weigh their eggs but I didn’t do that from day one. I’ll probably try it next time though.
3 bebes and a blood ring. 7 days.
Decided to candle some of my white eggs because I’m that impatient. My findings were that some already have the eye and a little chick fetus whatever it’s called kidney bean lookin thing inside with an eye at the head. BUT some of them still only have veins.

Are they developing at different speeds due to my heat not being uniform or is this normal? I’m using a Little Giant 9200 Still Air Incubator. Any advice will be appreciated 😊
My little beans sometimes move away from the front so they could just be hiding. Yes last ones a blood ring, but first time I've seen it like that (on the side) my other incubator is an upright one so ring was always at top

Yeah that’s what confused me, I’m used to seeing pictures of blood rings on top but it helps to see lots of different pictures even if yours are ducks.

I don’t think it was hiding, I looked through the entire egg. But at least there’s no blood ring so that’s good. I’ll cover the incubator a bit more to see if it will hold heat better because some eggs did feel cooler than others.
You won't find it if its hiding. Atleast I haven't. I've had to wait till 2 weeks to see the actual bean before. But as long as the veins look normal it should all be good.

Oh really? Okay then haha
Well I candled a brown egg and it looks like it might just be a yolk in there so I found my first infertile one. I need to remove it in the morning. I just didn’t want to set it out and forget to give it to the dog. Covering the windows of the incubator with a small towel is helping keep the heat in and the eggs were all uniformly warm.
Decided to candle some of my white eggs because I’m that impatient. My findings were that some already have the eye and a little chick fetus whatever it’s called kidney bean lookin thing inside with an eye at the head. BUT some of them still only have veins.

Are they developing at different speeds due to my heat not being uniform or is this normal? I’m using a Little Giant 9200 Still Air Incubator. Any advice will be appreciated 😊
Probably cooler spots in your incubator they still should all hatch fine just move where they are when you candle.

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