To all irresponsible dog owners; UPDATE; THE LEGACY CONTINUES!!!!!


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
A dog killed my favorite young hen. They have been on our property off and on for days. I actually found the owners of both dogs, but one says the dog ran away in January and they can't catch it, and the other owner, all I've been able to talk to is their kid. I have called the dog warden multiple times, but the dogs are gone by the time he gets here, and he has no traps available right now to loan us. Probably sick of hearing from me anyway. I don't want to shoot the dogs but I am going to be tempted to if they come back. I never found Chloe's body but I can tell by the signs that it was a dog...after a while you can tell, it was obvious there was a chase and several times where she got away. I am just devastated and if I saw them right now I would kill them any way I could. And I love animals, including dogs... I don't know if I should go back and tell the owners I THINK their dog killed our hen...or wait to try and catch the dogs yet again.

So to all dog owners who think it's ok to just let your dog run...don't be surprised if it doesn't come home. And remember that if your dog kills someone else's pet, whether it's another dog, cat, chicken, duck, goat, have broken someone's heart and ruined their day for days to come.
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sorry for your loss. I hate dogs that run loose too. Nothing worse than stepping in a big pile of dog poo on your lawn and you don't own a dog.
The neighbours' dog dug under the back fence and killed two chickens when they were still fairly young. Thank goodness it was only two and the fence is now fixed so they can't get under.
So sorry for your loss. I agree, if you own a dog it is your responsibility to keep it on your property. We had a lady that lived down the road from us and her dogs stayed in the house and were mean. They would sometimes get out and try to attack us and our neighbors. My kids had to stay in the house unless I went outside with them. I called her several times and even though she was apologetic each time I finally got fed up and called the pound. When one of my kids or chickens got hurt a "sorry" wasn't going to cut it! People just let their dogs roam sometimes and it is very irresponsible. When you can't let your own flock roam your property for the fear of other peoples animals coming to kill them it is just wrong! I don't blame you if you have to kill them. You shouldn't have to live in fear of your animals for other peoples negligence!
Aww, so sorry about your hen.

We have a strict statewide leash law but a lot of times it's disregarded it as if it doesn't even exist, so we pretty much have to fence things out. I hope you can catch the dogs.
I do, too, I'm going to put the game camera back out there and change the time parameters around, see if I can figure this out. I am so depressed, we just lost a favorite rooster and two pullets, and one hen, to a possum and short tailed weasel who gained access to our barn....that was two weeks ago..and now Chloe is gone and I'm beginning to wonder how much more of this I can stand...
The wild animals are one thing...we pretty much expect that from time to time...but dogs are another story.
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I'm so sorry for your losses.

Shoot the predators, even if they are someone's pet. You have given them notice and they are ignoring it. SSS is the only solution.
dont be cruel dont be mean you have advised owner. put the dog down and bury deep. the dog will be back. other wise all you can do is hope and that dont work so well. sorry for your loss
When I was growing up two dogs killed my parent's cat right in front of my Father,
while he beat on them with a baseball made no difference. It was very
traumatic for me to see my Father cry...let alone the loss of the cat. They
found the owners of the dogs, I think the dog warden did, and I think they got a
leash law fine, but that was about the extent of it. Dogs also killed my parents
basset hound when I was growing up but that was the neighbor's dog and I don't think
they did anything because it was a neighbor. just more examples of what stray dogs can do, and how dangerous they can be, to ignore being beaten with a bat is pretty amazing. People worry about coyotes but feral or stray dogs can be very dangerous, much more so than coyotes. Because they are not afraid of people.
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