To all irresponsible dog owners; UPDATE; THE LEGACY CONTINUES!!!!!

I just got 2 donkeys to keep my horse company. They are suppose to be good at keeping coyotes away. I love the braying, it goes well with the peafowl songs.
If someone is as irresponsible as the people you said that own the guilty dog you are absolutely wasting your time if you think you will collect any money from a judgement or otherwise they just wont pay you and you will waste your time and your money.
Do you have a local SPCA or shelter you could ring to see if they have a large cage trap you could borrow? Our SPCA does which they don't mind lending out. Otherwise a pest control company should have one. At least thats a safe way of catching the dog and if you have it caught the dog ranger would be able to come get it.
I would not talk to the owners. Might invest in a XL live trap and get the dog that way if shooting is not an option. It is pretty darn hard to catch a dog when it does not want to be caught. I recall the neighbors laughing as they watched me chase our new mini pin pup all over our then unfenced yard. I was frantic and very frustrated.

If I caught the neighbors dog I would SSS it or take it to a non-local pound. If they were making an effort to catch it, AND have a secure run for the dog to come home too then I might return the dog. If I have to spend my money,time,and chicken lives to get those dogs...then good bye doggies!
When my dogs have bolted out the door or back gate, The whole family is out trying to catch them. Some in the car some on foot. My son's new husky can open the back gate (fixed problem we thought until some one took bolt out of gate
) luckily she is microchip and we got her back. I would never just let my dogs run and not try to be catching them and the one neighbors saying that their dog ran away in January and they still can't catch her I don't understand the few times when I did not catch my dogs they came home in under and hour makes me really wonder about their story. I understand my son's new dog we only had her a few days when she got out and we where working on recall she does better now but she is still a work in progress. I am sorry for you loss and hope you can catch the dogs and get this problem resolved I would look into a live trap and the trap the dogs and take a trip to a pound in another town.
So sorry for your loss.

I have the same problem with dogs on my property. When that happens, I go to the owner's house to let them know their pet/dog is on my property (1st Warning). If it happens again, I walk to the owner's house AGAIN, and let them know that their pet/dog is on my property (2nd Warning) AGAIN. When it happens yet AGAIN, (3rd time) I call my friend down the road who is the Animal Control Director and ask her to bring a cage for me to catch the "Predator" who is trying to kill my chickens. When the Predator/Pet/Dog comes bag yet AGAIN (4th time), they get a free ride to Animal Control.

See pics BELOW:
Predator #1

Predator #2

I have pics of 3 other dogs that I could post but you get the idea. In addition to the pics that I take, I have actual footage (video)of the predators running around my yard. I do this in the event, I have to go to court. I will have PROOF (to include dates and times) that this PREDATOR was a threat to my chickens. So for those irresponsible dog owners that live in my neighborhood, unless you don't want to see Rover, Spikey, Sparky, Fluffy, Molly, Jake or Duke EVER AGAIN, you better tie the predator UP. He/She WILL be history, so don't expect your pet back home for dinner and a treat. I"m just saying........

And this is what happens when I"m home. What is going on when I'm not there?
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