To all irresponsible dog owners; UPDATE; THE LEGACY CONTINUES!!!!!

I didn't think about this before but this morning I found eggs in the nestbox Chloe used frequently; they are all the same
and I am sure they are hers. The nest box is one no one else uses and so I sometimes forget to collect eggs from it,
it is an out of the way corner of the barn. Woud the eggs still be viable? We don't have an incubator but I think I MIGHT
be able to borrow one...

I don't THINK I can borrow a trap from the SPCA as in this county anyway they are linked to the shelter, and that's what
the warden works out of. As sporadic as the dog visits have been I think they are reluctant to lend me a trap, they say they don't have any available,
but I may bug them again about it. In the meantime I will set up the camera. My dog is very dog aggressive and I think that might be one reason why
they don't come around more often. She would take on bothdogs without question. But she is older and sleeps a lot, too.
And, I don't want to end up with vet bills for her on top of everything else.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Right after we moved this past January, a pack of 3 stray/feral dogs killed our entire flock. They actually ripped the coop apart. I was hysterical for days. My "favorite", Penny, wasn't found unfortunately. I had no idea stray animals are such a problem in this area. I thought our fence was strong enough. I was wrong.

I am not condoning this for general use, but we baited for the dogs because our local animal control is useless. While I feel badly the dogs probably died a horrible death, the problem is solved. We now have a chain link enclosure and a renewed and fortified coop inside. It's ready for our new batch of chicks when they are ready to go outside.

I also got approval from our local police that we can shoot/otherwise dispatch any animals threatening our property again. Believe me - I have a shotgun and pistol at the ready.

I too am so frustrated with neighbors who don't look after their dogs. I have several dogs and they are not allowed to run. If you can't take care of your animals, give them to someone who can -- otherwise, you're right.... they may just never come home.

Best wishes on getting a new "favorite" chickie.

Get a 'bator and give it a try. If fertile eggs from Trader Joe's can result in chicks then you just might have some of your girls chicks to take care of.

Good luck.
I read once, and I'm pretty sure it was on here, about a great suggestion. The next time you see the dogs, hang a bulls eye target on it with the message "next time" and send it home.
Im sorry for your loss.

I have called the pound multiple times about stray dogs in my area as well. Some have actually started digging holes under our fence, but I usually get to them before they get all the way under. Now that my dogs are older (pups when this was happening) it has stopped but what we did was take bags of quikrete (quick setting concrete) and spread it dry around the top of the ground around the fence, then wet it with a hose and let it dry. It keeps the dogs and wild animals from digging under the fence. Just cant keep the animals from climbing over it.
OUrs are free range which is probaby what saved the others. When they are threatened by a predator, they
scatter and start rioting; very distracting for a potential killer or killers. Although I can't quite get around the idea
of poisoning anything, I'm sure that anyone who finds their coop torn apart and entire flock destroyed by stray dogs
would be out for blood, and I do understand. Our dog was outside earlier today just wandering around and trying to
get into the trash. Wishbone (Chloe's mother) saw the dog and was afraid of her...a pretty good indicator that whatever
got her one baby was a canid, since normally the chickens are not afraid of our dog.

I have a borrowed bator now and am studying how to set it up, but I am worried the eggs
will not hatch, it has been so cold and they have been in the barn for a few days now, though I brought them into the house
today. There are eight eggs. .
And I have not used a bator bf; always relied on the hopefully I won't make any mistakes on top of that.
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I wrote about this bf but a year or two ago I came home and found two dogs chasing our chickens.
There were feathers everywhere. I saw red, literally. I was in the car and started chasing the dogs
with the car, driving over the field, following them everywhere. I was just crazy mad. They ran faster than
I could drive through the field, or I would've had them. They never came back...I dont think they're the same dogs
as these two, anyway. Can't really remember. Amazingly, that time, all our chickens were unhurt...they just pulled the
tail off one of the hens, that's what the feathers were from. I probably would've been sorry later for running over some
dumb dog but at the time I just didn't care.
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My first chickens were kind of an experiment, a friend of mine kept the eggs in the refrigerator for almost a week before we placed them in the bator.
75% of them hatched. Those 75% were my first 5 hens. So give it a try!!

I am sorry for your loss.
Oh my God this is a tough one.

I personally don't think you should kill the dogs. It is not their fault that their nature is to hunt. The fault lies with the owners! Can the owners be reported to animal control?? I've looked at the previous posts, and yes, there are some mean dogs out there, but more often just people that don't deserve to own them. Hopefully if these people are reported, the dogs will get taken away from them and either given to someone responsible (or put down if they really are mean dogs).

GOOD dogs do get out once in a while. Though you have had your beloved pet taken away, I think it it would be a shame to take the life of someone elses beloved pet in that situation. However, I know you heart is broken. I'm Terribly sorry for your loss.

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