to raise or not to raise?


Feb 13, 2015
Hello all-my first forum ever, must need chicken support.

We are a family of four in Central Oregon and have recently made the commitment to raise our own chickens, wanting to be a part of the solution and grow our own food =lots of excitement! It has been nothing but chicken daydreaming and talk around here for the last couple of months, watching chicken videos, stacks and stacks of chicken books from the library are all around our house, my youngest daughter even making a chicken poster, diagram and all..-....lets just say we have imagined the loveliness and beauty that the chickens would bring to our home while doing our best to be prepared.

With that said after much study of different breeds, we placed the order for 8 chicks, a couple of weeks ago. I since then have visited a friends coop and it smelled terrible!!!! This sending me into chicken anxiety-I have had sleepless nights now thinking that maybe it was a mistake. EEEEEKKKKK!!!

Is having chickens worth the work and the Poop?

thanks much
Welcome to BYC! It should not smell terrible at all. I usually clean out old wood shavings every few months and it doesn't smell at all, I actually LIKE the smell of my chicken coop!
Some people use the deep litter method and that keeps the smell away, but I just change the litter whenever it looks dirty. Here's a link that might help!
Chickens are definitely worth it! They are some of the best pets ever!
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Hi :welcome Jo

Glad you could join the flock! Raising chickens and especially chicks is such a rewarding experience and so worth the work and the poop!! They bring a lot of joy and a sense of accomplishment in your life and the chicken TV is fantastic. I can sit for hours just watching them going about their business.
Good husbandry of your birds and they shouldn't smell too bad and once you get used to it you don't smell it all. Once you have your chicks you won't look back and will probably think "Ooh what did I do before I got them" they really are captivating creatures.

Drop by the learning centre for some great articles on all things chickens

Be sure to ask any questions you may have, everyone here to help you along the way and very friendly. Enjoy BYC and good luck :frow
I have changed many diapers and the chickens smell better. Seems to be worth it on both accounts but the chickens are much less work.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

In my experience, coops don't smell much unless they aren't clean enough. I suspect that your friend's coop was in need of cleaning, and that is why it didn't smell very good. Like with all livestock, it is important to manage the manure well. Chicken coops don't smell much when cleaned out regularly and when the birds are not overcrowded. There will be a slight barnyard smell, but you'll get used to it.
It shouldn't be very overpowering.

Raising chickens in my opinion is worth any extra work. They are so enjoyable to watch, plus you get delicious eggs!

Good luck with your future chicks!
Such a friendly flock!! thank you for all of the great information and the encouragement. Reading your words, has definitely connected me back to my original excitement, also knowing that there is a lot of support out there is encouraging. Then its off to finish the coop I go!!!

Thanks again
I'm glad you joined us!

As the other posters have said, a well-managed coop hardly smells at all. Raising chickens is certainly worth it, at least in my opinion.
They're beautiful, gentle, entertaining, and generally easy to raise.

Good luck with your future chickens! What breed(s) of chick are you getting?

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