In my first wave of Pullets I got a BR Roo. He was friendly and gorgeous. But he woke me up everyday at 4:30 and continued crowing constantly throughout the day.
I gave him to a man down the road who lets him free range ( I have an enclosed run ). But, he is a loner. This man has many other roo's, hens and various animals and Rocky free ranges but will have nothing to do with the other roo's or hens.
I see him often from the road and he is just a beautiful boy and I know I could get him back if I wanted.
In the meantime my new neighbor has a roo that ......guess what.........wakes me up every morning anyway.
I am wondering now if I should have kept him. He came with 5 other assorted pullets and I am thinking he misses them. I wonder if he could handle being in a run after free ranging.
Any Opinions?
I gave him to a man down the road who lets him free range ( I have an enclosed run ). But, he is a loner. This man has many other roo's, hens and various animals and Rocky free ranges but will have nothing to do with the other roo's or hens.
I see him often from the road and he is just a beautiful boy and I know I could get him back if I wanted.
In the meantime my new neighbor has a roo that ......guess what.........wakes me up every morning anyway.
I am wondering now if I should have kept him. He came with 5 other assorted pullets and I am thinking he misses them. I wonder if he could handle being in a run after free ranging.
Any Opinions?