to trade up or not to trade up (Brinsea mini advance to mini advance EX)?


9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
I ordered a Brinsea mini advance back in January, thinking it was the one that regulated the humidity too. Turns out it's one step down from that one, (which is known as the mini advance EX) (and about twice the cost! $169 for this one, compared to $380some for the EX) The question is, is it worth it to trade up? Is the reservoir on the one I have adequate? Or do I still need to get another hygrometer (I think I accidentally sold my old one with the still-air styrofoam bater we used to have) and monitor/adjust for correct humidity, like I was doing with my old still-air bater? Anyone have one of these mini advance rigs? Do you have to mess with the water much? Do you monitor with a hygrometer, or do you just keep the reservoir full, like the directions indicate, and not worry about exact humidity level, operating on the assumption that they made the surface area of the reservoir the right size to keep it in the right range? Is it worth the extra money to 'trade up' to the nicer 'set it and forget it' model? BTW - I live in Alabama - but our humidity is not in the normal range for this time of year, this year - in fact it's like OREGON down here this year - I know, because that's were we moved from, four years ago. I'm sure external humidity impacts it too, right?
i had great hatch rates with the mini advance without the extra humidity thing. i did have the turner. i won't lie..i didn't even always remember to keep water in the reservoir until lockdown and my house is very dry!

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