Today is day 14! Opinions on air cells...


8 Years
Apr 9, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY
The first 2 look ok to me. But this is my first time. The 3rd has had a whacky shape air cell. Not much change in that one since day 7 except it became more circular. I'm keeping humidity between 30-40%. Should I make any adjustments??

Thanks for looking! Any insight appreciated! :)
They all look in ok range to me, but I'm not the greatest judge. Were they shipped eggs? Was thinking maybe that might be the cause of the whacky looking one. Good luck!
The first 2 look ok to me. But this is my first time. The 3rd has had a whacky shape air cell. Not much change in that one since day 7 except it became more circular. I'm keeping humidity between 30-40%. Should I make any adjustments??

Thanks for looking! Any insight appreciated! :)
Why do you say it looks wonky?? Looks perfect to me. Are you talking about the fact that it dips? Because that is perfectly normal. A good share of air sells tilt. As a matter of fact, most air cell guides show the air cells tilted like this:

Why do you say it looks wonky?? Looks perfect to me. Are you talking about the fact that it dips? Because that is perfectly normal. A good share of air sells tilt. As a matter of fact, most air cell guides show the air cells tilted like this:
yes, because it dips. It's hard to tell in the picture but when I candled on day 7, it was just as big and it came in, in the middle, kinda like a rounded "w" on both sides. It hasn't changed much in size but that "w" shape has become more round & less pronounced. Maybe some eggs are just like that? This is the first batch of eggs I have ever candled in my life, so I don't have hands on knowledge. I'm soooo happy to hear they look good!!fingers crossed that we go into lockdown with 3! Thank you for the input! :)
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