today is only day 17/18 and i already have a pip

i know you do quail too is that why they take less days cuz their egg is smaller
also will it run out of air if it is in to long? with only a small pip?
just thought ill add a pic the egg #7 is the one the pip is in, this pic is from when i first set them

from the pic it doesn't look like a bantam but it is smaller
Lucky # 7!

not sure what breed lays the color but even though quail eggs are small some don't hatch early.. the Bobwhite quail egg takes 23 days to hatch

i think it's 23

reason i say small eggs in chickens hatch early because every time i incubate some of my Banty eggs they always pip around day 18 .. but i haven't hatch any of my Banty eggs in over 3 years because now my hens hatch them out there selves

since it's chirping you should have a chick some time later today
i hope so but as it was only day 17 my humididty wasnt raised yet but i added more warm water so it should be fine hopefully

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