One thing you could say is: "I tend to get a little nervous when I know something big is going to happen, so I use the time to prepare and learn all I can."
Be prepared for the "what's your weakness" question... Tell them one of your weaknesses BUT tell them how you plan to fix it!!!

Don't just say "I can't type" say, "I can't type as fast as I'd like to, but I am using a computer typing tutor. I'm improving but I'm not up to my goal of 45WPM just yet."

They DON'T CARE if you have shortcommings THEy DO CARE that you are trying to improve yourself.

They wan't to know that if you see a problem in the store you won't just walk on by without saying something ot trying to fix it.

Just don't say your weakness is -lazy, porn, food, booze, etc... don't talk about anything that's not related to the job you want.

Bring a "Master application" already filled out (SPELLED CORRECTLY) with all the information you could possibly need, past jobs, contact info, references, references contact info.

Watch out for the "Other interests" section of the application....Do you think that PetCo really cares if you're a Master Hanglider Pilot? No?...then Don't put it on there. Don't clutter things up with information not related to the job or company you are applying for.

DON"T tell them you are nervous or get nervous...tell them you are excited. They don't want someone that will get nervous and freeky when a customer comes in ranting about the cat food was $1.00 and now it's $1.25 and how it's highway robbery bla bla bla...they want someone that's cool under pressure.
OOOOH! That's another tactic thay may use....They may contradict you of (almost) be rude or insulting and ask threatning, harsh questions to see how you an irate customer... just be calm, answer calmly and smile a little. It's really hard to tell someone to jump in a lake while you are smiling...
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BINGO! put something animal related there..


hey seismic... you hiring? I'll work for ya

'weakness' you could use for this position --

"I don't know as much about (tropical fish, dog food ingredients, grooming products, -- something like that) and then say, but I have been doing research and reading about (tropical fish, dog food ingredients, grooming products, etc.) and I want to learn more.

It never hurts to *immediately* send a mailed 'thank you for the interview' note.'

Good luck, you sound as if you'd be perfect for the job!
Why don't you try tell US how you would answer the weakness questions.....

MARK...What do you consider to be one of your weaknesses?
(first time...don't think too hard with US first...just give us your weakness (es) more than one is OK). Maybe we can help you make into something!!!!
Just read a sampling of post in this thread and what I read had some excellent advice. I humbly suggest that you be prepared for the oblivious questions, but not rehearsed. Prepared means you are confident in your response because you are sincere. Rehearsed means this is what you are saying to get the job, not sincere.

Remember, they called you back so evidently they saw something that caught their interest. Be confident in that fact. Also if it is meant to be it will happen.

I interview all of the leadership in my band program as well as help my father interview adults for jobs (middle management positions). One thing that turns people off is not being honest and genuine.

BTW, when you answer the questions take a second, pause, then give your answer. This makes it seem like you thought through the question to form your answer (even if you had the answer ahead of time). It's not a game show, you don't have to hit the buzzer to win. Good Luck!
Good luck!! Everything major has already been said, so this is all I have left to contribute.

No cologne. You may be in a small space with your interviewer, and there's nothing worse than having to smell cologne when you can't get away! They could even be allergic, and I bet you there's some sort of rule about it at PetSmart. My rule is none at work, and only "huggable" when not at work. Meaning someone else can only smell it if they hug me.

No caffeine/stimulants. They will only make you more nervous and jittery! Maybe a cup of tea?

That's all. I'm sure you'll be just fine.
My weakness... I'm a perfectionist. I tend to be reeaaaallllyyyyy picky about the smallest details, and sometimes tend to take more time doing something right than most people would deem necessary. I see it as a weakness, but some people might see that attention to detail as a positive thing.
MARK...What do you consider to be one of your weaknesses?

My weakness is when i start doing a task it is hard for me to stop because once i finish with the task i started with.. i look for more to do and i loose track of time... but i am improving on how to stay on my task and keep track of the time so that things can remain on schedule

is that good enough? i mean it is true about and it shows i love to work
"i finish with the task i started with.. i look for more to do and i loose track of time... "

I wouldn't use that one.
That tells me that you are easily side-tracked, can't prioratize and not good at time management.

Maybe change it to something like,

"Once I start a job or task, I really want to complete it. I sometimes have difficulty handing an unfinished job to the next shift or leaving unfinished items for completion the next day. Now I have a watch with an alarm to remind me 10 minutes before the end of my shift. THat should be plenty of time to wrap any loose ends or brief the next shift. bla bla bla. "

Remember, don't throw yourself under a bus.
Be a little more specific on what you are doing to fix your problem, not just say your improving, but what you are diong to get the improvement.

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