Today's Bad Weather and the Chicks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
My 4 girls are outside in their run/coop since Wednesday. Every night I go out and pick them up and put them up in their coop.

We had severe thunderstorm and tornado watches today. I was worried about them getting blown against the wall or something so I kept going out during the storm, picking them all up and putting them in the coop. I'd look out, and there would be a congo line going down the ramp. So I'd fret and worry, then head back out to do it again. LOL

I am really like a mother hen. And I am kind of afraid my chicks are too dumb to get out of the weather. LOL

Here is the coop..
We, too, had the storms come through... moving our chickees outside tomorrow, so I'll be right there with ya worrying. I really like your coop! What breed did you decide on?
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We got 4 buff orps. They are about 8 weeks. The one girl, the most blonde one I call Faith is hoot. She jumps right up onto my arm when I am out there squatting down. Yesterday she jumped from her roost onto my shoulder. LOL Goofy little girl.

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