Today's Sunday Morning Breakfast

Can someone please send us some coffee. We are out!!!

Dang caffeine headaches.

If I had cold pizza I would eat it.

Gonna have to settle for dunky eggs and wheat toast. Poor me.

My wife just crawled back in bed with a cookie in her hand.
I know alot of women do not get any joy from cooking. And that is okay. It is not their thing. We each have our own niche where we excell.

I enjoy cooking but even more I enjoy taking care of my family by providing good nutritous and lovely meals. The evening meal during the week is when we are together. It is family time. Good food. Good convo. Good times. It is when we share our day. It is our social time. it is also one of the southern traditions i was raised and am accustomed to. We don't do fast food on the run. There is a supper time. You are expected to be at the table on time. I do big breakfast on the weekends mainly because it is a time when we are together for this meal.

It is also more than that. My husband works so hard to provide the best he can for us. I do not have to go out and work. I get to stay home. It is not all fun and games. I am responsible for the majority of raising our children simply because I am here and he isn't. It makes life easier for me to clean the house, take care of the kids and have a good meal on the table when he comes in. He leaves at 3:30am and often isn't home until 6 or 7 pm many nights. I don't want him to come home to chores and nothing to eat.

I do spoil this crowd around here if that is what you want to call it. I prefer to think I am making memories and teaching my children to love one another, respect the job each of us have to do and to learn to do it with a joyful heart. Find a reason to smile even when you are scrubbing a toilet or ironing a shirt. Then it doesn't make the job a chore, it becomes a labor of love.

As a christain woman I also feel it is my duty to provide what comforts I can for him because he provides equally as many for me.

I cook and clean and wash his socks and iron his shirts because I love him, I love taking care of him and I love the way he takes care of me.

This is me. You all are different. Just thought I would share a little this morning.
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My wife likes cooking and does well at it, she just doesn't do mornings. I would try making a big breakfast myself, but if I do, she comes and hassles me about it (because I don't know what I'm doing). So I guess I'll go fire up the stove and fry some eggs and see if that gets her to come around and do something about breakfast!
I had toast with peanut butter. I think I might try actually making something today you have inspired me lol. Might give a try at those cinnamon rolls.
Good morning from Canada, another freezing day here.
We just had french toast, Canadian bacon, served with butter and Maple syrup.
I want to know more about that corn bread with the bacon grease.
That was a lovely post. I can see how much you care for and love your family, each little 'chore' is a way to say you love them.
That was a lovely post. I can see how much you care for and love your family, each little 'chore' is a way to say you love them.

MissPrissy, I can tell by your heartfelt post how much you truly love your husband, children and your life. You bring so much to this forum with your knowledge of most things and to you dear MissPrissy I commend you......Laura

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