Toddlers are Quackers

I'm pretty sure it's illegal because you are then releasing a domestic animal in to the wild. By doing so it will also affect the small prey animals as cats will often kill just for the sport of killing. I like indoor cats and farm cats serve a purpose but the ones that just run everywhere all willy nilly and pee on everything and kill things to just play with need shot. There is no hunting season for cats but if a domestic animal (dog, cat....) is harassing wildlife then said domestic animal can be shot on site.
do you have that many feral cats?

Now I want wine. Hmm. I think peach. Gosh, I am drinking wine too fast! Good thing they don't sell good wine around here!

It is? I know one woman had a permit for it. When the neighbor said "enough is enough! They are killing my birds!" she ignored him. Repeatedly. So he used moth balls (I have read to use them for years) and got arrested. A cat ate them, and died.
i love wine

My 12yr old took it upon herself this morning to kill the ants in the kitchen by dumping mass amounts of DE all over the kitchen floor & counters.

I appreciate the initiative, but holy craponacracker what a mess! There are DE people prints & paw prints coving every floor & furniture surface in the house & the mud that wet DE will make when the water hits it on the counter is gonna be the worst. I'm honestly not even gonna try to clean it up right now. Maybe if I just leave it, it will chase off the ants and even a few spiders.
oh geez! lol, sorry to you, make her clean itup
I am drinking a bottle or so a day. At twenty or so per bottle, I could be saving money drinking Jack.
i agree, see if you can order it online, many wineries do case discounts, and in nh i get 10% off by buying by the case, and i watch for sales
i try not to pay more than 12/bottle, and usually pay less than 10
Quote: Maybe not. Dad had me taste wine once when I was a kid. When I balked, he said I'd like it 'cause it was sweet wine. After one sip, I told him if that was sweet I wanted no parts of any other. There was a time when I drank a little hard stuff, mostly Tennesse Sour Mash, JD, & Johnny Walker Red, but I got away from it when I started working nights, and never went back to it.

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