Toddlers are Quackers

Today we discovered the joy of walkie talkies. We don’t have to yell when we are not a few feet away, and she’s free to chase butterflies around the buildings. She hasn’t mastered hide and seek outside, but we did try. I usually worry about her getting snatched, but she won’t stop talking, so I know she’s okay. :lol: I even went in for marshmallows, a lighter and the sticks without feeling rushed to get back to her. :gig She seriously never stopped talking. I haaaad to know she was at the pit. She turned over the chairs. She was breathing (I’m exaggerating there). For real though, I am glad we have them. $20 set from Walmart. The batteries will be the expensive part.
Last week I was given a snotty, coughy, headachey child on a school day. I put on my mask, and prepared for battle. My mask was soaked from talking after twenty minutes, and she wouldn’t keep her face covered. Outside we went so we could remove our masks. We stayed probably twenty to 100 feet apart at all times, and a few hours later, she was fine. I still kept her away from me in the house, and I used Lysol repeatedly, but I’m happy to say it was a false alarm. :highfive:

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