Tolbunt Polish

Yes, there is your picture on page 2. I may have some questions for you later. When I first bought my 2010 copy there were a few things I wanted to ask about.
Here is my tolbunt baby, I took him outside for pics but only got a couple because it was to hot ... Poor babies were panting

Thank you. If you look at my past posts you will see a classified for eggs. It has a couple of pics pf males. I can't post the link on my phone.
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10 days later getting cute ... Any roo vs pullet guesses? I have I idea how to tell with this breed


Here is an updated picture, confirmed my gut was right that he's a too, no crowing yet but he's getting those pointy tail feathers and still just carries himself very much like a boy


I am excited to see his colors as they change :)

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