Tolbunt Polish

Happy Mothers day as well! My tolbunt smooth girls started laying and my roo is trying hard to figure things out!!

I was at the ranch most of the day and the frizzle was just pacing around, in and out of the coop making a huge stink almost the whole day. She was just besides herself. They make the cutest sounds compared the barreling clucks from my jubilee orpingtons! I'm thinking she is getting ready to lay too, and just isn't happy about the whole "coming of age" thing!! She's really the sweetest of the bunch.
Happy Mother's Day to you too! Do we get a happy chicken mom day? I hated killing that roo but it has been blessfully peaceful in the flock since then.

We should! Lol I know when you speak of the peacefulness! Today Im supposed to bring 3 roos to a friend to put intheir freezer because I cannot do it! Most of the time I have no problem doing tHe deed myself but for some of the ones I put alot of time and effort in..and emotional attachment... :/ nope cant do it...
Today white ameraucana roo...millir fluer cochin roo...frizzled Tolbunt roo;(
We should! Lol I know when you speak of the peacefulness! Today Im supposed to bring 3 roos to a friend to put intheir freezer because I cannot do it! Most of the time I have no problem doing tHe deed myself but for some of the ones I put alot of time and effort in..and emotional attachment... :/ nope cant do it...
Today white ameraucana roo...millir fluer cochin roo...frizzled Tolbunt roo;(

I need a friend like that
I'm so happy, I'm ten days into my incubating and so far all 8 of my tolbunt eggs are developing wonderfully. I also have some crele/confetti/mille project polish and golden laced polish eggs incubating with them. Can't wait for the the hatch. I have 3 gold laced polish from my last hatch, but only one hen. I'm hoping for a few more gold laced hens to add to the flock.

When breeding the tolbunt to gold laced how does the pattern appear? Do the chicks resemble one variety over the other or are they more of a mix. Are there any problems with mixing roo tolbunt x gl or roo gl to tolbunt? I've been reading about the limited gene pool of the tolbunt and that crossing with gl is the best method to opening the gene pool. Am I reading this right?
It is the easiest, yes.

GL x Tolbunt just makes chicks that look like Gold Laced. The best thing to do though is get GOOD gold laced parents. I know it is hard, but it is for the better. You want the best lacing you can find, and along with it, you want to keep the conformation in check. No squirrel tails, light weight, you want a big full crest, and you want full beard/muffs. I myself am dealing hard with squrrel tails being that both my Tolbunt boys have it, one of my other non-Tolbunt but Tolbunt project boys have it, and one of my GL hens has it. Although many find it attractive, it is not wanted when it comes to the standard or showing in general. Plus, it sticks out like a beacon for aerial predators.
You mean a split Tolbunt back to a full on Tolbunt? Either breed the split back to a Tolbunt or breed it to another split would be the easiest routes.

Here's one of my latest splits. This here is a boy and naturally carries the bad nostrils his dad has, which do help in automatic sexing though. (only boys have it) This funky lookin' chick has a much much smaller crest than I'd like but that's okay, I've yet to get any better from the F1 splits.

And just for visual ooh-aah, here's a Tolbunt pullet. At first I was calling her "near Tolbunt" because she looked like my mottled Polish boys, but over time she's filling in with more and more lacing the older she gets. I think she's just going to have more melanizer or lesser quality lacing than a good Tolbunt. Her breast is coming in really nice but her shoulders tell another story. Half is nice, half doesn't have enough gold center.

And, here's a fascinating guy I'd like to share. This guy actually has absolutely no Tolbunt blood behind him but instead is GL/Houdan x Houdan/GL. He's sex-linked so he'll always look like a partially yellowish silver laced, but he's mottled too, so he's eventually going to look like a silver Tolbunt. He's a keeper so far, no 5th toe, no squirrel tail, unrelated to the rest of the Tolbunts, the only thing I don't like about him is his clean face. As soon as I get a replacement, same parentage but with beard/muffs, he's getting replaced. And perhaps better lacing. As a chick he had excellent lacing but like some, it disappears in this second feathering, and is slowly appearing again in the final. His secondaries show the lacing, his shoulders sort of show it, but otherwise it is hard to show the difference between lacing and mottling with all that white. Eventually he'll get a little yellow.

What I love and hope to continue to see is absolutely no solid white in the tail and wings!

And finally, because I couldn't get too great of photos of my others besides head-shots, here's a pic of my mixed Polish flock in our rather warm weather and their semi-new pen. They're very much enjoying having a plum orchard/grove all to their own.


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