Tolbunt Polish


A week old yesterday and already starting to frizzle ♡
Is anyone on here willing to sell Tolbunt Polish chicks? Smooth or frizzled, I love both varieties. I'm hoping to add some of them to my flock next spring so I've been looking around. Any help would be so wonderful!

This is Houdini. I post a couple weeks ago for gender help. I think it's safe to say it's a boy! His crazy hair came in about a week ago. He loves to escape the coop and I will often find him out of the coop crying bc he can't figure out how to get back in.

This is Minnie she still looks the same as before but she LOVES to cuddle! She will sit on my chest for hours napping.
I think it's safe to say I got my pair!!! So extremely happy!
I know thus breed isn't exactly winter hardy. I love these 2 birds and don't want anything to happen to them. Should I bring them indoors when it gets cold out? I don't have a garage but this winter the chickens will have a heat lamp due to having a larger coop this year. Our last polish chicken didn't make it through the winter so I'm terrified my babies won't make it. (If i could I'd put them in diapers and let them in my house all winter but the man of the house won't allow that and neither will the cats)

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