Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

I'm still learning how to post on this site. I wanted to copy what casportpony's dosage she gave me earlier.
So if I'm getting this correctly I would have to weight each bird and give them 0.18 ml per pound of body weight on a piece of bread for 2-3 days?
Yes, weigh each one and inject the correct dose into a small piece of bread. If it's too much liquid, you might have to give each bird two pieces.
Wow No I'm a "tech phob" if that's what they call someone who never used Bluetooth. Lol I will try and figure something out. Otherwise I'm just going to buy the Pantacox and mix it in water. And unfortunately I will probably be back asking about the dosage for that because I also don't have a
Thankyou so much for everyone's help. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this web site and you nice people.
You would have to weigh them to do the Pantacox in their water as well. You would need to weigh each bird and then add up all of their weights to calculate how much to put in the water.

There will be no way of treating them with Toltrazuril without weighing them. Are you able to pick them up? If so, the easiest way is to weigh yourself first and then stand on the scale as you pick up each bird. Then subtract your own weight from each reading to get the birds' weights.
If you're used to doing that, that sounds like the best way to go. Make sure you observe each bird eating the correct amount. Maybe leave the fussy one until last in case you need to change your approach for that one.

You would have to weigh them to do the Pantacox in their water as well. You would need to weigh each bird and then add up all of their weights to calculate how much to put in the water.

There will be no way of treating them with Toltrazuril without weighing them. Are you able to pick them up? If so, the easiest way is to weigh yourself first and then stand on the scale as you pick up each bird. Then subtract your own weight from each reading to get the birds' weights.
Yes that is what I'm going to do. Thankyou!:yesss:
I know the 2.5 is eight ml per gallon so the 5% would be one ml per quart or liter. I would post the directions on my large bottles but they are written in Hebrew. I have never seen or heard of a Toltrazuril that is not water soluble. We dose all of our chicks the first of every month until the end of the year.
I know the 2.5 is eight ml per gallon so the 5% would be one ml per quart or liter. I would post the directions on my large bottles but they are written in Hebrew. I have never seen or heard of a Toltrazuril that is not water soluble. We dose all of our chicks the first of every month until the end of the year.View attachment 3627786
Thankyou. I was just about to ask you.:ya
There are very clear photos on how to dose with a syringe on Hopkins Alternative Livestock’s website. Go to Peafowl, Peafowl articles, and Oral dosing of medication. That being said I did try to mix it with water and found that it did indeed mix. I only used about a liter of water, and it mixed. I checked it every hour for four hours, and I didn’t give them water for a day before so they would drink it, and they did drink it all. There was no visible residue in the bottom of the watered. I gave them their second dose yesterday. Last night all of them were roosting 8 feet high so I know they are feeling better somewhat at least.

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