Tonight is the last night

Here is ice station Idaho I still have 3 feet of snow in the yard. I am going to start removing straw bales from the coop. It is a greenhouse that I insulate so my birds can be comfy.
I'm quite happy up here, thank you. There are certain advantages to living in the La-La-Land corner of the state. I'm near Fayetteville for certain cultural events and the University, live far enough away that I have real down home neighbors, and the politics up here near the Republican stronghold in a Democratic state are really fun. Who needs a grip on reality?
I'm in Florida and we're going below forty for the next four nights. And we always get a freeze somewhere around Easter.

Don't get your hopes up too soon. Old Man Winter is on his way out, but he's not quite dead yet.

new england- if you don't like the weather just wait five minutes, and it'll probably get worse.
this is about the time of year where it turns from winter to mud season...
So True
Monday it snowed, Tuesday was sunny and breezy enough to put the bed linens out on the line, Wednesday it snowed, Thursday morning was sunny and now, Thursday afternoon, it's snowing like crazy again and my girls are mad because I have them locked up in the covered pen
. Where we have some paths in the yard, it's mud
, there's clear areas where the chickie girls are digging for goodies and snow covered areas where they won't even go. New England weather is a crapshoot
, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (of course a visit to somewhere where the weather is constant more than 2 days in a row might be nice
). Just waitin' for Spring
Boy you must have a lot of faith in your forecast. I don't put away the snow shovels until July, I don't care what anyone says XD
well congratulations to you Spring Chickens,

Winter is not gone yet (at least here it isn't) we ahve 3-5 foot of snow and our high has only been +33F. So I will continue with the lights, Heat lamp on thermocube, and shutters!
I am really hoping that Spring will hurry up. I have eager chickens as well, they have been out tearing up their run and looking at the snow that has built up outside it.

Happy planting to all that get to....

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