Too Early for Feb Hatch-A-Long Thread??

Well, the nail polish always worked for me, and I have the same incubator she does. I just never liked melted wax, it always gets all thick and globby because it drips off so fast, and all the eggs I ever put it on died. Nail polish has been great for me, and I think it'll work just fine for @My hen house .

The one I put nail polish on still looks alive and moving a little
Well, the nail polish always worked for me, and I have the same incubator she does. I just never liked melted wax, it always gets all thick and globby because it drips off so fast, and all the eggs I ever put it on died. Nail polish has been great for me, and I think it'll work just fine for @My hen house .

It's one of the things I've actually been fortunate enough to never have to do in all the hatches I've done, I've never repaired a crack...(knock on wood!!!). So it's good to know that it works for so many others and I'll stash that information away in the back of my noggin, lol.
I only just started hatching last year with my incubator. I had to use it on one of my chicken eggs because my favorite hen got killed and I wanted to have her baby, but her last egg was dented. I patched it and it hatched. She is now a perfect little hen and just started laying. I also used it on my shipped quail eggs as you can see in my picture on the last page because they came from quite a ways away and one was totally smashed, one was dented, and one had a hairline fracture. I painted them, let them rest for a few hours and then I put them in. The only quail egg that didn't hatch was an infertile one. (I also threw away the smashed one course) Then I tried the duck experiment. I personally try really hard to only set perfect eggs, but I didn't want to waste my money on the quail by not even trying, and I'm so thrilled my hen could live on through her daughter. The ducks were really cool to test on too.
I agree with cant hurt to try it. I mean if your only going to throw out the damaged ones why not give it a try? A chance it works is better in my opinion than not trying at all and see you've taught me something in the process. I never knew you could try with a cracked egg so there is value in the lesson right there :thumbsup
I'm so paranoid about this duck hatch. I've only done one other and only one duckling made it out alive. The rest died in the shell right at the end. I'm following a duck hatching guide this time but still nervous.
Well were here to hold your hand. Hope you have a successful hatch baby ducks are too cute for words:love
Natural nail polish is still not safe in my opinion. What they consider natural truly still isn't safe. I used to get natural nail polish put on my nails and did a lot of research on it and the chemicals in it are still iffy to me. There are still fumes that are given off whether it's natural or not then you're sticking it in a confined space with other eggs.

I wouldn't do it to my eggs, but if other people feel comfortable doing it then more power to them.

I'm more of a melted wax person.

I also had a chick hatch yesterday 😁 I haven't taken it out of the bator yet because we are trying to find a way to secure the light. I think my husband figured it out though. I'm pretty much useless right now and can't do anything.
Yay! We would love to see pictures! And happy to hear you;re resting and on the mend <3
Weirdest dream last night! I dreamt that I hadd a little yellow duck hatch out of one of my chicken eggs:lau

An update on the hatch so far. all 4 of my BC1 OE have hatched, 4 of my F1 OE have hatched with one egg zipping and the other I’m not sure about. 3 of my Icelandic don’t have pips, but the other 6 are out. 2 of those 6 had to be assisted because of getting stuck in zip from malposition. 1 of my BCM have hatched, 1 is zipping, 2 pips, and the egg I put in 2 days later isn’t showing anything yet, and 1 I’m not sure about. I’m hoping hatching will wrap up this afternoon.
Weirdest dream last night! I dreamt that I hadd a little yellow duck hatch out of one of my chicken eggs:lau

You never know, with modern science, I'm sure they could make it happen somehow. :lau

An update on the hatch so far. all 4 of my BC1 OE have hatched, 4 of my F1 OE have hatched with one egg zipping and the other I’m not sure about. 3 of my Icelandic don’t have pips, but the other 6 are out. 2 of those 6 had to be assisted because of getting stuck in zip from malposition. 1 of my BCM have hatched, 1 is zipping, 2 pips, and the egg I put in 2 days later isn’t showing anything yet, and 1 I’m not sure about. I’m hoping hatching will wrap up this afternoon.

I agree with cant hurt to try it. I mean if your only going to throw out the damaged ones why not give it a try? A chance it works is better in my opinion than not trying at all and see you've taught me something in the process. I never knew you could try with a cracked egg so there is value in the lesson right there :thumbsup
I'm someone who throws all damaged eggs away just because of previous experience. There were two eggs I should've chucked and I kept wanting them to just survive.

Both chicks had SEVERE issues when born. One had bulging eyes and was blind in both eyes. The other had cleft eyelids and was blind in one eye. We had to euthanize the first one and the other one just couldn't thrive on its own and passed away.

I'll never hold onto an egg ever again. My chickens make far too many fertile ones for me to end up with an unhealthy chick again.
Weirdest dream last night! I dreamt that I hadd a little yellow duck hatch out of one of my chicken eggs:lau

An update on the hatch so far. all 4 of my BC1 OE have hatched, 4 of my F1 OE have hatched with one egg zipping and the other I’m not sure about. 3 of my Icelandic don’t have pips, but the other 6 are out. 2 of those 6 had to be assisted because of getting stuck in zip from malposition. 1 of my BCM have hatched, 1 is zipping, 2 pips, and the egg I put in 2 days later isn’t showing anything yet, and 1 I’m not sure about. I’m hoping hatching will wrap up this afternoon.
😂😂😂 I had a weird dream some weird creature came out of one of my eggs before. I was a bit worried when they started hatching.

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