Too Early for Feb Hatch-A-Long Thread??

Weirdest dream last night! I dreamt that I hadd a little yellow duck hatch out of one of my chicken eggs:lau

An update on the hatch so far. all 4 of my BC1 OE have hatched, 4 of my F1 OE have hatched with one egg zipping and the other Iā€™m not sure about. 3 of my Icelandic donā€™t have pips, but the other 6 are out. 2 of those 6 had to be assisted because of getting stuck in zip from malposition. 1 of my BCM have hatched, 1 is zipping, 2 pips, and the egg I put in 2 days later isnā€™t showing anything yet, and 1 Iā€™m not sure about. Iā€™m hoping hatching will wrap up this afternoon.
That's amazing! Popping like popcorn!
I helped the chick that was zipping šŸ˜‚ the other one needed a friend. It looks like it is all black šŸ˜ I'll have to wait till it dries.

My humidity has been 18% I've added zero water this whole hatch because I was sick the entire time and I didn't expect family to upkeep my eggs. There were only 4 so it wouldn't be a huge loss to me. I did it as an experiment. I'm at a 90% hatch rate, I'm just waiting on this last egg to decide what it's doing. Also these eggs were not hand turned for the first 7 days while I was collecting. They just sat in the egg hutch my father made me. This was another part of the experiment. My father lived on a farm and he told me that you don't need to turn eggs before they go into the bator. He said they never did that in the old days. I only turn from day 1-14 then I stop turning, it's something he told me as well.

So far all his advice has given me amazing hatches. I'll be doing duck eggs so hopefully my 90% hatch rate will continue.
I'm someone who throws all damaged eggs away just because of previous experience. There were two eggs I should've chucked and I kept wanting them to just survive.

Both chicks had SEVERE issues when born. One had bulging eyes and was blind in both eyes. The other had cleft eyelids and was blind in one eye. We had to euthanize the first one and the other one just couldn't thrive on its own and passed away.

I'll never hold onto an egg ever again. My chickens make far too many fertile ones for me to end up with an unhealthy chick again.
That's so sad! I hate culling for any reason at any age. Even if it's for the right reasons.

When did you know these eggs had an issue? I've never repaired eggs before incubating. Those I've always purged. But when they crack during incubating it's worth a shot. It also depends on how extensive the damage is. If it's just the shell, not membrane, affected there's a chance. I mentioned before but I'm 2/4 for repaired eggs hatching. They did not need assistance and were normal chicks. I can't remember the issues on the two that didn't hatch. I think one was a quitter the other DIS.
Here's my egg hutch. The light is LED and produces not heat. He made it from an antique potato/onion hutch. I sent him apuc of an egg display case and he search high and low for a handmade antique that'll last. It's my absolute favorite piece of furniture!


That's so sad! I hate culling for any reason at any age. Even if it's for the right reasons.

When did you know these eggs had an issue? I've never repaired eggs before incubating. Those I've always purged. But when they crack during incubating it's worth a shot. It also depends on how extensive the damage is. If it's just the shell, not membrane, affected there's a chance. I mentioned before but I'm 2/4 for repaired eggs hatching. They did not need assistance and were normal chicks. I can't remember the issues on the two that didn't hatch. I think one was a quitter the other DIS.
They looked damaged around day 14. I will never do it again because if this whether it was from that or not who knows. Could just be a coincidence.
I helped the chick that was zipping šŸ˜‚ the other one needed a friend. It looks like it is all black šŸ˜ I'll have to wait till it dries.

My humidity has been 18% I've added zero water this whole hatch because I was sick the entire time and I didn't expect family to upkeep my eggs. There were only 4 so it wouldn't be a huge loss to me. I did it as an experiment. I'm at a 90% hatch rate, I'm just waiting on this last egg to decide what it's doing. Also these eggs were not hand turned for the first 7 days while I was collecting. They just sat in the egg hutch my father made me. This was another part of the experiment. My father lived on a farm and he told me that you don't need to turn eggs before they go into the bator. He said they never did that in the old days. I only turn from day 1-14 then I stop turning, it's something he told me as well.

So far all his advice has given me amazing hatches. I'll be doing duck eggs so hopefully my 90% hatch rate will continue.
Wow! I'm glad to hear your having such amazing hatch rates. I'd be thrilled with 90%. I personally feel health and maintenance of the flock is the #1 predictor of a successful hatch. You can almost do anything to those eggs and they hatch. If you have even a marginally maintained flock then your incubating need to be spot on to compensate.

By well maintained mean healthy young adults, ideal hen/roo ratio, dewormed on a schedule, allowed access to foraging, free choice high quality layer feed, and sanitary conditions in the runs and nest boxes.

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