Too Early for Feb Hatch-A-Long Thread??

Sneak peak of the day old beebees.

One is not doing well and probably won’t make it. Very weak, wont open its eyes. Gotten it to drink but that’s all it’ll do other than sleep cuddled in a ball with my daughter. (It’s a Silver Spitzhauben :() The little silkie bantam didn’t make it either.

15 healthy little fluffs left.

Beautiful chicks. They got me even more excited for mine to hatch. I'm sorry that little guy didn't make it. Never easy loosing one. No matter what the age is.
Right here if they’re started already. I started a March hatchalong only because my emu eggs will take forever to incubate :p
Hi ShannonsChimkens, I just put 4 eggs in a mini incubator, 3 lakeshore egger X white rocks and 1 unknown brown. Iam not sure how to tell if the eggs are fertilized or not any advice would be helpful, thank you
Then you’re at the right place! Poor thing, hope they get you back up and going again soon.

Here are some butts.
Then you’re at the right place! Poor thing, hope they get you back up and going again soon.

Here are some butts.
View attachment 2017572
I have some that'll probably hatch when I'm gone 😭 My husband will send me pics to post. I'm where I need to be right now. My Dr is here so I'm in good hands.
Hi ShannonsChimkens, I just put 4 eggs in a mini incubator, 3 lakeshore egger X white rocks and 1 unknown brown. Iam not sure how to tell if the eggs are fertilized or not any advice would be helpful, thank you

Two for sure ways to tell. Wait about 5 days in the incubator and you should see a network of veins in them when candled. if you have more eggs that you can sacrifice, crack one open and look for a white bullseye. Not just a dot in the yolk, but a white spot with a white ring around it.
My current hatch is over. Three out of four little ones made it. The one that didn't make it was malpositioned with its head between its thighs. :(

I'm not really happy with how this hatch went. Two out of three didn't seem to be able to externally pip. I helped and the babies are doing really well but it worries me that they weren't able to hatch normally. My last couple hatches were great, no issues with pipping. I got 100% of fertile eggs to hatch both times but the eggs came from a different breeding pen. I've got 11 eggs that are due on the 11th from this same pen that had trouble so I'll pay extra attention to how they do and which girls eggs seem to have trouble or not. I know for sure which girl the egg that hatched well on its own came from. I also know which girl laid the egg of the first hatcher who had trouble and the one who didn't make it. The last one that had trouble hatching could have been from either girl.

Here are the three little ones, two paint silkies and a black silkie. They all figured out how to eat and drink within 12 hours of hatching. There is nothing wrong at all with how they are acting once they got out of the eggs. :)

babies 3.jpg

I've also got 16 paint silkie eggs that were shipped from a breeder that I set yesterday evening. All have slightly loose air cells but I'm hopeful about them, if I just get one or two chicks I'll be happy!

I've been admitted to the hospital so all of you better be sharing cute chick pics with me. My Dr said I needed to come in because my oxygen was 81% and I couldn't breathe. My chest was killing me.

Oh no, I hope everything will be alright! I'm so sorry you had to be admitted to the hospital. :(

The little chick on the far right in the above picture hatched on your birthday, it's the one who made it out really well on its own. :D

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